FORT RILEY, Kan. — The Honorable Gabe Camarillo, the undersecretary of the U.S. Army, visited Fort Riley, Oct. 25, 2022, for a tour and orientation brief.
The 1st Infantry Division and Fort Riley Sexual Harassment Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP) Fusion Directorate welcomed the undersecretary with a tour of the installation’s Fusion Directorate facility and provided a briefing for better understanding of the opportunities, challenges and lessons learned during the Fusion Directorate pilot program.
A pilot program that began April 1, 2022, the 1st Infantry Division SHARP Fusion Directorate is an established building, with a victim-centric model that combines available resources and elements to prioritize victim care, support various leader-driven prevention strategies and enable the division’s senior commanders to oversee the installation’s SHARP program.
“It’s great to come out and see firsthand the work being done by one of the Fusion Directorate pilot programs,” said Camarillo. “I’d be remiss if I didn’t thank all of you for the important work being done on behalf of our Soldiers and the Army.”
The 1st Infantry Division SHARP Fusion Directorate seeks to be an effective tool in the fight to continue to shape Army culture into one where sexual harassment and assault are not tolerated, and where victims/survivors can receive appropriate, trauma-informed services and support.
Centrally located on the installation, the Fusion Directorate building is near most of the installation’s Soldier barracks buildings, most brigade headquarters buildings and is 15 minutes away from the farthest point on post. The Fusion Directorate is also co-located with the Army Substance Abuse Program, the Inspector General, Criminal Investigation Division, and Equal Opportunity offices.
“The co-location has been very beneficial because we do interchange clients at times, so it’s kind of a one-stop-shop for the Soldier or Family member,” said Barbara Garber, director of 1st Infantry Division Fusion Directorate site. “The co-location also helps the offices work together as a team to ensure we give the best assistance possible to every client.”
During his visit, Camarillo had the opportunity to sit in on the division’s monthly Sexual Assault Review Board, led by Garber and U.S. Army Maj. Gen. John V. Meyer III, the commanding general of the 1st Infantry Division and Fort Riley.
“I just want to thank you for your leadership, especially downrange and certainly for your command team for making the time that it takes to access these issues and follow them,” said Camarillo to Meyer. “I really appreciate the great work that’s being done here at Fort Riley.”
Meyer, who joined the SARB virtually from Poland, expressed to Camarillo that he was honored to speak with him and looked forward to continuing to work with him to combat sexual harassment and assault within Army formations.
“Mr. [Camarillo], thank you for visiting Fort Riley,” said Meyer. “Between Operation Victory Wellness, the Ambassador Program, the Fusion Directorate and the emphasis placed on SHARP by the command teams, we understand that we’ve got to get to zero [sexual harassment and assault cases], because everybody who has volunteered to serve in our formations, and their Family, are a part of our Family.”
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