Army announces consolidated Data Plan

By U.S. Army Public AffairsOctober 13, 2022

Dr. Raj Iyer, the Army’s Chief Information Officer, addresses an audience on the criticality of data in operations across the Army.
Dr. Raj Iyer, the Army’s Chief Information Officer, addresses an audience on the criticality of data in operations across the Army. (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

WASHINGTON – On Oct. 11, 2022, the U.S. Army published a consolidated Data Plan, an Army-wide approach toward improving data management to ensure the Army becomes a data-centric organization.

The plan represents a three-year effort that will improve data management, data governance, and data analytics across the Army. The warfighting mission area is the current focus of the Army Data Plan. The ADP’s outcome in this mission area is to give the Warfighter an advantage by making the necessary changes required to ensure the Warfighter’s data is managed and used properly. The Army has already started prototyping data management capabilities, tools, and models to move toward this outcome.

“Data and how you integrate that at all echelons for really fast, agile decision making is what can truly give the Army the competitive advantage it needs in the future of warfare,” said Dr. Raj Iyer, the Army’s Chief Information Officer.

The Army of 2030 will be fueled by data and data analytics. Soldiers will need the right data, at the right time, and at the right place to enable faster and better decisions at each echelon – to out-think and out-pace any adversary.

Warfare now has a larger and increasing scope than earlier military operations. Multi-Domain Operations, as part of Joint All Domain Operations is where the Army must prepare and win its’ next fight. It is a data rich environment.

Each domain has its own information and data flow, some information from open-source intelligence, some from space-based sensors, and some from cyberspace. Today’s Soldiers and commanders require synthesis across domains to dominate the battlespace.

The ADP outlines the organization of efforts and provides the overall strategic objectives. It focuses on mid-term efforts and will be superseded by another update in the future.

Achieving this decision dominance is the Army’s key objective through the Army Data Plan.

View the Army Data Plan.

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