Army hits historic low for fatal Soldier mishaps

By Angela Welch, Communication and Public Affairs, U.S. Army Combat Readiness Center, Fort Rucker, AlabamaOctober 6, 2022

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The Army suffered fewer Soldier fatalities in FY22 due to mishaps than any year on record according to information compiled by the U.S. Army Combat Readiness Center.

In total, the Army lost 82 Soldiers to fatal mishaps, which marked a 22% decrease from the preceding year when 105 Soldiers were lost.

“Every Soldier and leader should be extremely proud of this accomplishment,” said Brig. Gen. Gene Meredith, commanding general, U.S. Army Combat Readiness Center and director of Army Safety. “Although it’s a historic low, what’s most important is the continued downward trend. We’re not celebrating, as the loss of just one Soldier to a mishap is unacceptable.”

Of the 82 Soldiers lost, 15 occurred on duty, while the remaining 67 occurred off duty. The previous low of 95 was in FY20 when significant COVID restrictions were in effect across the Army and the U.S.

Off-duty Soldier fatalities also reached a historic low with 67 Soldiers lost, five fewer than the 72 Soldiers lost in FY20 when COVID restrictions had an even greater impact on off-duty activities and travel

“The downward trend tells me our junior leaders understand the impact their leadership and counseling can make on their Soldiers while they are away from their units – whether for a night, a weekend or on leave,” said Command Sgt. Maj. James Light, senior enlisted advisor to the USACRC commander. “When leaders lead by example, enforce standards and set expectations among their Soldiers, good things happen.”

Army Aviation also saw a record-setting year in FY22. For the first time in history, the aviation community did not lose a single crew member in an aviation mishap. While there were four Class A flight mishaps, defined by the total loss of an aircraft, fatality, or more than $2.5M in damage, it was the lowest annual total in Army history and the rate of Class A mishap per 100,000 flying hours was also a historic low.

“We routinely do dangerous things in the Army. Each year, we drive more than 200 million miles, fire more than 500 million rounds of ammunition and conduct more 180 thousand parachute jumps,” said Meredith. “When we compare Army mishap data to U.S. Labor Department mishap data, it’s safer to be in the Army than it is to be in the general U.S. public.”

The Army will continue to work toward the goal of zero on- and off-duty accidental losses and the preservation of our nation’s greatest resource, the men and women who volunteer to serve in the armed forces.

In the coming days, the USACRC will continue to reconcile the past year’s mishap data as the command prepares to release the FY22 Annual Assessment of the Army Safety Program. The assessment reviews the past year’s loss prevention efforts, addresses on- and off-duty mishap trends and highlights challenges for the upcoming year.

For more information on Army mishap statistics or the Army Safety and Occupational Health Program, visit