Chad Pellerin and Fran Mutschler from USASAC's G4 Transportation Branch attended the U.S. Transportation Command's (USTRANSCOM) International Logistics Symposium Sept. 20-22, 2022. The symposium focused on the complex global logistics environment and the strength that comes from working with partner nations. Approximately 30 countries attended the event with representatives from the Geographic Combatant Commands (GCC), Defense Security Cooperation Agency and the U.S. Services Implementation Agencies for Security Cooperation. The symposium supported breakout discussions by GCC to discuss unique logistic challenges and efforts being taken to overcome the challenges. Other breakout sessions were conducted on specific programs such as Foreign Military Sales (FMS). Pellerin and Mutschler supported the FMS discussion by sharing their transportation expertise and addressing concerns expressed by partner nations.
Security Assistance Command highlights foreign military sales at symposium
By USASAC Public AffairsSeptember 30, 2022
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