High costs should stimulate USAG Bavaria energy consumers to action

By Paul HlawatschSeptember 30, 2022

By Paul Hlawatsch, Energy Manager – USAG Bavaria


Courtesy image from the ec.europe.eu/eurostat
Courtesy image from the ec.europe.eu/eurostat (Photo Credit: ec.europe.eu/eurostat) VIEW ORIGINAL

October is Energy Action Month, and if you need any motivation to take action, look at the high cost of energy consumption.

This October we will see higher than normal energy prices, which will have an impact on U.S. Army Garrison Bavaria’s bill as well as your household bill.

Knowing that most of a household’s energy consumption goes into heating, the first thing you can check is whether your thermostat follows your weekly routine. Make sure your temperature is lowered during the night and when the house is empty.

Are your lights and appliances energy efficient? Look for energy efficient products that will help you save money in the long term. To help you choose the best product, the European Union has developed energy labels, with the same goal as the U.S. ENERGY STAR label.

Revised European energy labels have been launched for products such as fridges, freezers, dishwashers, washing machines, television sets, light bulbs, and lamps. More product categories will follow in the coming years.

The new labels show a simpler scale (from A to G), replacing the previous ones where more and more products were achieving ratings as A++ or A+++. This new scale is stricter, so don’t be surprised to see more products in the B, C or D categories as it leaves space for technology improvements in the future. You can also scan the QR code on the label to get even more information on the model you are looking at.

Help us by helping yourself reduce the energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.

Courtesy image from the European Commission
Courtesy image from the European Commission (https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_21_818) (Photo Credit: European Commission) VIEW ORIGINAL