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Security Force Assistance in 2030: Integrating joint and interagency partners

By Pfc. Jonathan VitaleSeptember 27, 2022

Security Force Assistance in 2030: Integrating joint and interagency partners
Participants stand together during the annual Security Force Assistance Command table-top exercise at Fort Benning, Ga., September 19-23, 2022. Nearly 70 participants gathered to discuss the future of the Security Force Assistance mission and capabilities. (Photo Credit: Pfc. Jonathan Vitale) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT Benning, Ga. — The Security Force Assistance Command (SFAC), in conjunction with the Fort Benning Maneuver Battle Lab (MBL), hosted nearly 70 participants from 16 joint and interagency organizations for the annual Security Force Assistance Brigade (SFAB) table-top-exercise (TTX) at Fort Benning, Ga., September 19-23, 2022.

This year’s exercise focused on the role of SFABs, Joint Security Force Assistance (SFA) formations and how SFA operationalizes the 2021 Interim National Security Strategic Guidance goal of “revitalizing America’s unmatched network of alliances and partnerships.”

“This exercise is one step toward improving the capability of the SFABs to build partnership capacity and capability,” said Anthony Lieto, Chief of Governance Planning and Rule of Law at the U.S. Army’s Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute.

Using a 2030 EUCOM based scenario, TTX participants defined, refined and improved how SFABs enable the Army to fight peer adversaries with and through multinational and multi-domain forces. During crisis and conflict the advise, support, liaise and assess capabilities provided by SFABs and their joint partners, consistently enhanced theater army and joint force informational, positional and decisional advantages; rapidly expanded combined and integrated combat power; and increased the lethality and endurance of Allied and partner forces.

In a geopolitical environment defined by competition between democracies and autocracies, America's greatest asymmetric advantage remains an unparalleled network of Allies and partners. SFA is a major component of bringing together our Allies and partners toward a common purpose in any strategic environment through a joint approach.

“The whole of the impact will be greater than the sum of the individual pieces,” noted U.S. Air Force Col. Bryan Raridon, a senior Air Advisor from the United States Air Force’s Expeditionary Operations Center and School.

In addition to being one of the first SFA-focused joint exercises dedicated to crisis and conflict, the TTX also allowed the Army, Marine Corps and Air Force capability managers and proponents to gather needed data points. The TTX’s outcomes are vital to updating doctrine, organizations, materiel and training to maximize the combined effects of joint SFA in 2030 and beyond.

“SFA is a unique and scalable capability allowing the United States to campaign and fight through and with partners across the world. The TTX helps our command ensure we have the means to carry out this vital function now and in the future.” said U.S. Army Maj. James Micciche, Security Force Assistance Command’s strategic planner.

The TTX is just another example of how the SFAC is leading the way in the development and institutionalization of SFA as an Army and joint capability. The TTX and the regular daily campaigning activities of SFABs across the world continue to highlight the Army’s investment in strengthening and expanding alliances and partnerships now and into the future.