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Army ROTC cadets to train with ATC

By Bruce DrakeJuly 22, 2022

ASCII (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

U.S. Army Aberdeen Test Center's Commander Col. Timothy Matthews (Far Right) and ATC's NCOIC Sgt. 1st Class Kyle Davis (Center Right) met today with the four US Army ROTC cadets who are participating in summer training with the various ATC directorates and staff offices for the next several weeks. Matthews and Davis provided them with a warm welcome and discussed their future branch/career opportunities they would have within the Army after they complete their college degrees in the near future.

The four officer cadets will be shadowing ATC personnel during the day working on current test projects as well as doing physical fitness conditioning and military classes with the Regular Army personnel assigned to ATC.

The US Army Cadet Command's Cadet Troop Leader Training program is a summer course for Army ROTC cadets to give them an opportunity to be part of an Army unit's training and daily mission before they enter into their senior year in college and prior to their actual commissioning as 2nd lieutenants.

Sgt. 1st Class Sam Castro, the ATC S3 Operations sergeant (Center Left), is the cadet administrative mentor and has been coordinating the cadets' training and participating in the CTLT program within ATC for their time here.

The four officer cadets are representing ROTC battalions from universities in Utah, Washington, Indiana and Illinois.