Security enterprise logistics worker moves into retirement

By Terri StoverJuly 13, 2022

Security enterprise logistics worker moves into retirement
Rick Berry (Photo Credit: US Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

A Security Assistance Command’s logistical programs chief will be putting his skills to use in retirement as he makes logistical plans for RVing.

Rick Berry will be transferring his skills in transportation and logistics from work to retirement, as he sets off in his recreational vehicle “to continue to see the world.”

After a 42-year career, which includes his military service and 23 years at the Security Assistance Command at the New Cumberland, Pennsylvania location, Berry is retiring from “a family unit like no other.”

He was responsible for the oversite of the transportation and customer support branches. He provided direction and guidance on procedures, process improvement and policies for transportation. As the appointed transportation officer for the command, Berry made sure USASAC stayed in compliance with the import/export laws, moving large shipments of military materiel all over the world.

“His efforts allowed for new processes to be developed for transportation imports and exports, real time tracking, and simplified customs requirements that allowed USASAC to expedite all core foreign military sales functions and created opportunities for USASAC to dramatically increase performance over time,” Mike Casciaro, director of logistics and acquisition for USASAC, said. “The USASAC’s transportation line of effort was greatly enhanced due to Rick’s outstanding efforts.”

Because of his dedication to the USASAC mission, he was given the Superior Civilian Service Award before retiring.

While Berry has always been quick to give credit to his team and colleagues, he is the foundation that took a disjointed FMS transportation process and made it more uniformed across the military service branches. “We streamlined processes and updated law, regulations, and policy. We educated our counterparts at the ports, the DOD shippers, and our FMS partners and freight forward (destinations). We are miles ahead of where we were back in 2002,” he said.

Berry joined the Army in 1976, and “was a proud member of the Transportation Core,” where he served at Fort Hood, Fort Drum and in Germany.

When asked what advice he would give to a new USASAC employee, he shared, “keep learning and growing but at the same time build a good network of co-workers and friends. Take care of each other.”

What Berry will miss most about USASAC are his teammates and the camaraderie, “but not all the meetings.”