What is Army Child Care Fee Assistance?
Child, Youth & School Services is helping Army Families find affordable child care that suits their unique needs. Through the fee assistance program, eligible Families receive monthly fee assistance (paid directly to the child care provider) to help offset the cost of child care in their communities. Army Fee Assistance Program guidelines state that if there is space available for a Sponsor’s child/children at an Army CDC/FCC/SAC, then such space must be used for the care of his/her child/children. In the event that the Army CDC/FCC/SAC does not have space available, then the Sponsor may be eligible to apply for Off-Post Community Based Fee Assistance.
· Army Fee Assistance is the Army’s contribution toward the total cost of child care for Army Families.
· Fee Assistance buys down the higher cost of off-post care allowing eligible Families to pay fees comparable to those charged at the Installation or Army supported joint base for full day services. Fee assistance compensates for the difference between a community-based provider’s rate and an installation’s rate for similar services. Calculations for fee assistance are based on provider rate caps.
· The parent rate (parent’s portion) and the amount of fee assistance combined usually equal the provider’s rate.
· This program is not an entitlement program and is subject to the availability of funds, which may be discontinued at any time.
Who Is Eligible?
· Families of active- and reserve-component Soldiers (Guard and Reserve Soldiers must be activated to be eligible)
· Department of the Army Civilians
· Survivors of Fallen Soldiers
· Wounded Warriors currently assigned to a Warriors in Transition Unit or Battalion (WTU/WTB) or Special Operations Command (SOCOM)
· Spouses working a minimum of 16 hours or enrolled in school
The Fee Assistance Program is administered by the Child Care Aware of America (CCAOA).
For more information about eligibility requirements and fee assistance application instructions call 1-800-424-2246, or visit Child Care Aware of America at: www.usa.childcareaware.org/fee-assistancerespite/military-families/army.
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