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Army University Learning Symposium begins July 19

By Harrison SarlesJuly 5, 2022

(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT LEAVENWORTH, Kansas — The Army University Learning Symposium opens July 19 at the Lewis and Clark Center, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. The symposium themed “Modernizing Military Learning” is the third in a series of symposia, beginning in 2015, to exchange ideas and promulgate cutting-edge learning sciences with military and civilian academia. More information about the conference is at

This year’s keynote speakers include Dr. Doug Matty, director of the Army Artificial Intelligence Integration Office of Army Futures Command; Lieutenant Colonel Vito Errico, Chief Executive Officer of the Army Software Factory; Lyle Hogue, director of Strategy, Plans and Operations for the Assistant Secretary of the Army, Manpower & Reserve Affairs; Brigadier General Brett Funck, director of the Army Talent Management Task Force; and Dr. Jack Kem, Dean of Academics, U.S. Army Command and General Staff College.

People who are not attending in person may attend virtually. To register for virtual attendance, go to

Conference events will be keynote sessions followed by related breakout sessions. Breakouts follow four tracks: Outcomes Based Education, Modernization, Talent Management, and People. Sessions are listed below by track.

Outcomes Based Education Track – Making Learning Visible, The Utility of Small Group Instructional Diagnoses (SGID) for Army Courses, Defining and Quantifying “Academic Rigor” in PME, and The CGSC Creativity Project on the Fletcher Method of Creativity Through use of Narrative Literature.

Modernization Track – Army Learning Concept 2030-2040, What’s Next? How Basic Research Prepares for Future Modernization in Learning Sciences, and Maximizing Soldier and Unit Readiness by Measuring and Developing Mindsets.

Talent Management Track – Army Credentialing, Improving Talent Management Through the use of Artificial Intelligence, Creating a Culture of Assessments: Why Developmental and Predictive Assessments are Changing Army Policy, VALUE 101: Understanding and Leveraging the VALUE system for Assignment in and Beyond the Traditional Classroom, Development of Measures to Assess Systems Thinking, and Mapping Assessments to Competencies (MAC) Process,

People Track -- The Art of Critique: Argumentation and Soft Skill Integration in Graduate Professional Military Education, Advancing Military Connected Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) and Enabling Modernized Tools, and Looking Through Athena’s Shield: The Case for the Missing Philosophy for Education.

Additional content is available on-line beginning July 11 at


• The Army University Supports Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring (GIFT) & Pervasive Learning System (PerLS) Pilots – Dr. Shanda Lauer, Dr. Becky Robinson - Vice Provost Academic Affairs, ArmyU

• Establishing Data Driven Design Through Learner Feedback – Dr. Judith Bayliss, Dr. Christopher (Chris) Hardy, Dr. Alicia Sanchez, Dr. William (Bill) Schleckser - Defense Acquisition University; Dr. Abigail Stonerock - US Army War College

• Modernizing the Captains Career Course Presentation and Paper – MAJ Elvin Fortuna - Vice Provost Academic Affairs, ArmyU

• Warrant Officer Senior Service Education (WOSSE) Capstone Assessment Modernization Strategy – CW5 Joseph D. Giusto, Sr., CW5 (R) Mr. Jim Steddum - US Army Warrant Officer Career College

• Better – Faster – Cheaper: Developing Web-based Learning Products In-House – Mr. William Kuchinski - Vice Provost Academic Affairs, ArmyU

• Modernizing the Army’s Faculty and Staff Development Program – Mr. William Kuchinski - Vice Provost Academic Affairs, ArmyU

• New Learning Requirements in PME Governance Process (Tutorial) – Dr. John Persyn - Vice Provost Academic Affairs, ArmyU

• Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring (GIFT) Master Gunner Course Pilot (Poster) – Dr. Anne Sinatra; Dr. Benjamin Goldberg; Dr. Gregory Goodwin - US Army DEVCOM Soldier Center; Dr. Becky Robinson - Vice Provost Academic Affairs, ArmyU

• Training Modernization at the Intelligence Center of Excellence: Our experiences with Proficiency Based Graduation and First Unit of Assignment focused training models – Ms. Beth Leeder - Intelligence Center of Excellence


• Development and Implementation of a Learning Ecosystem for the Maneuver Captain Career Course – Dr. Ashley Wittig - US Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences; MAJ Scott Geers - Command and Tactics Directorate, Maneuver Center of Excellence, Ms. Kerri Conning Chik, Mr. Ian Cooley, Dr. Camilla Knott - TiER1 Performance

• The CGSC “Team 15 Innovative Approach to Team-centric Integrated Experiential Learning” – Dr. Kenneth Long - US Army Command and General Staff College

• The Department of Sustainment and Force Management (DSFM), CGSC departmental Approach to supporting Innovation inside the classroom and outside the classroom with the professional community of practice” – Dr. Kenneth Long - US Army Command and General Staff College

• Leader Presence and Readiness – Ms. Janetta Harris, Mr. Mounir Bouchareb, Dr. Bernard Harris - Center for Army Profession and Leadership

• Army Credentialing and Continuing Education Services for Soldiers (ACCESS) Programs Overview – COL Julia Bell, Dr. Louis Wesley Smith - Army Credentialing and Continuing Education Services for Soldiers, ArmyU

• New Army Instructor Competencies – TBD - Vice Provost Academic Affairs, ArmyU

• MilGears – Powered by COOL (Tutorial) – Ms. Rita Detrick, Ms. Christina Loving - Solutions for Information Design (SOLID); Sophia Sweeney - Army Credentialing and Continuing Education Services for Soldiers, ArmyU

• Looking Through Athena’s Shield: The Case for the Missing Philosophy of Army Education (Paper) – CW5 (Dr.) Leonard Momeny - US Army Warrant Officer Career College; Dr. Christina Parker - US Army Aviation Center of Excellence; Ms. Kelly Matthews - Independent Researcher

• 1st Special Forces Command (A) Regional Expertise / Education and Culture Program (Paper) – Mr. Ian D. Edgerly - 1st Special Forces Command (A), US Army Special Operations Command


• General Officer Perspectives on Executive Communication Competency – Dr. Abigail Stonerock - US Army War College in collaboration with Defense Acquisition University

• Park University's Fast App: Academic/Corporate Partnership for Credit for Military Learning – Ms. Kena Wolf - Park University; Mr. Ujash Patel - AstrumU

• Army Training and Talent Management: Finding Developmental Leverage in the Rediscovery of the ISS – Dr. Christina Parker - US Army Aviation Center of Excellence; Dr. Leonard Momeny (CW5) - US Army Warrant Officer Career College


• The Army University Research Program (AURP) (Poster) – Dr. Shanda Lauer, Dr. Meredith Shafto - Vice Provost Academic Affairs, ArmyU

• Mobile Learning (Poster) – Mr. Michael Holt, Dr. JJ Martin, Mr. Matt Maclaughlin - Directorate of Distributed Learning, ArmyU