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Soldiers from the 25th Quartermaster Company Recognized for their Support to Army Food Service as Part of the Army's 247th Birthday Celebration

By HQDA, G-4July 5, 2022

As part of the Army's 247th Birthday Celebration, three soldiers with the 3rd Expeditionary Sustainment Command who run an Army food truck in Fort Bragg were recognized by Army Chief of Staff GEN James C. McConville, LTG Charles R. Hamilton, Deputy Chief of Staff (DCS), G-4, and SGM Charles W. Albertson, Executive Officer for the Sergeant Major of the Army. The soldiers, SSG Jason Ackley, PFC Ariamlex Alixhilario, and PFC Elianna Hernandezsantos, are with the 25th Quartermaster Company.

The Soldiers were recognized for achieving the highest score in the categories evaluated as part of the ACTION (Army Commitment to Improve Overall Nutrition) program. The G-4 synchronizes and leads regular ACTION forums which allow logistics leaders at all levels, including Army Service Component Commands, to provide feedback and lessons learned on food service and nutrition in the Army.

Food trucks are growing in popularity across the Army and have been an essential part of the Army’s strategy to improve the quality of nutrition and dining options closer to where Soldiers live, work, and train.

The first Army food truck went into operation in 2017. There are 16 food trucks operating and another 27 are planned. Larger installations such as Fort Bragg and Fort Hood are requesting additional trucks as quickly as the team can field them.

Three to four Culinary Soldiers operate each truck and are supported from a Main Warrior Restaurant or Designated Support Kitchen. Food trucks have Go for Green Army menus and menu items approved by dieticians as part of a larger partnership with the Defense Commissary Agency.

(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

PFC Ariamlex Alixhilario (top), PFC Elianna Hernandezsantos (bottom left) and SSG Jason Ackley (bottom right), with the Fort Bragg 3ESC, 25th Quartermaster Company, in front of their food truck at the Pentagon during the Army Birthday celebration. The Soldiers handed out food samples demonstrating the important role that food trucks play in supporting the Army food service mission. (U.S. Army photo by Darrell Hudson.)

The U.S. Army is operating a hub and spoke campus style dining (CSD) system comprised of Dining Facilities (DFACs), Food Trucks, and Kiosks to ensure that Soldiers can use their meal entitlements to access healthy food options across installations without limitation. These CSD initiatives provide a variety of options and locations for Soldiers, and allow them to use debit and credit card machines eliminating the need for cash.

“We are very proud of the work that has been done to improve access to quality nutritious food on Army installations,” said LTG Hamilton. “Along with efforts to roll out more food trucks, we are also pushing to expand the network of kiosks with an additional 50 planned to be deployed. By increasing food options at installations, improving the ease of payment, and providing additional transportation services at Quality of Life locations through shuttle services, the Army is helping to make sure that Soldiers can get food wherever and whenever they need it.”

(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

SGM Jimmy Sellers, DCS, G-4 SGM (left), and LTG Charles R. Hamilton, DCS, G-4, congratulate the three Soldiers who run the food truck from Fort Bragg. (U.S. Army photo by Darrell Hudson.)