ARLINGTON, Va. -- On 24 June in the Pentagon Hall of Heroes, the Signal and Cyber community said farewell to one of its great leaders with the retirement of Ms. Nancy Kreidler.
With almost four decades of service to the Army, first as a contractor and then – for the past 25 years – as a Department of the Army Civilian, Ms. Kreidler has seen – and accomplished – a lot. Three years ago, she was appointed to the Senior Executive Service and took on the role of the G-6’s Director for Cybersecurity Integration and Synchronization.
Lt. Gen. John B. Morrison, Jr., the Army’s Deputy Chief of Staff, G-6, and the host of the ceremony, said leadership and caring about people were the hallmarks of Ms. Kreidler’s distinguished career. “What she has accomplished in her tenure here with the G-6 has changed the Army for the foreseeable future,” he said.
Ms. Kreidler was the driving force behind the Army’s Risk Management Framework (RMF) 2.0. This has enabled the Army to move to continuous monitoring, simplify risk assessment, and better secure the network through a more automated, threat-based, evaluation of systems.
Morrison commented that what she did to strategically influence that shift in approach “was a work of art – and I can count on one hand the amount of people I’ve seen do that.”
But it’s her leadership that her colleagues will miss her for most and that defines her biggest legacy. From coaching and mentoring her team to implementing hybrid and remote working, and serving as a role model across the Department, she has left an indelible mark. When her team was asked to describe Ms. Kreidler, “People First” was a phrase heard again and again.
“We are a better Army today because of her leadership and initiative,” Morrison concluded.
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