For new AMCOM G-8 Heidi Lattuca, ‘Clean accounts are easy accounts’

By Katherine BelcherJune 24, 2022

U.S. Army photo
Heidi Lattuca is the new G-8 for U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command. (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

For workers who transition from the private sector into government service, the process can be daunting, and at times, overwhelming. Heidi Lattuca, the new G-8 for the U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, made that transition 18 years ago and has never looked back.

Lattuca joined AMCOM in July 2019 and has served as chief of both the Army Working Capital Fund Management and Resource and Acquisition and Integrations divisions. She was promoted to the G-8 position in late April.

No one is more surprised than Lattuca at the path her career has taken, but she’s incredibly proud and humbled by the experiences and accomplishments during her nearly two decades as an Army civilian.

“Never in a million years did I think I would be doing this when I grew up,” said Lattuca. “I knew I would go into the field of business. I knew education was vital and I knew job security was important. I never imaged I would live and work in Texas, New Mexico, Italy, Pennsylvania and Alabama. What a wonderful career and adventure.

“I often brag that there is no better organization to work for [than the Army]. Not only do we support the warfighter and our American ideals, the boundless opportunities within the Army amaze me. The Army civilian profession -- the challenges we get to find solutions for, the education and training opportunities, and the chance to work in the continental United States or overseas in support of the Army – well, we just don’t brag enough about this wonderful organization we work for.”

Resource management is vital component of any organization, but is particularly true in government service. Lattuca says she relies on a guiding principle that her predecessor shared with her.

‘“Every month is September’ and I truly believe this. We work so diligently on resource management goals and metrics each month – not just at the end of the fiscal year.

“Another is ‘clean accounts are easy accounts’, which means it’s important to keep our financial house in order. Each transaction that records finances, payroll, travel, manpower and funding posture should be clearly supported, analyzed and reported,” said Lattuca.

“Maintaining audit documents, writing policy and incorporating standard operating procedures are all part of having ‘clean accounts’ while ‘easy accounts’ are using our tools efficiently; so we can be fiscally responsible and provide leadership with analyzed data to make informed decisions.”

Lattuca’s experience working with the team she now leads has given her a unique insight into the teamwork and dedication that’s required to successfully manage AMCOM’s finances.

“What drives me is Team Members’ professional growth and success,” said Lattuca. “I am surrounded by an astonishing workforce and so proud to be part of this great organization. It is an inspiration to overcome difficulties together and impact the way we do business.”