Security assistance command recognizes top employee

By Terri StoverJune 23, 2022

Camille Hodge
Camille Hodge (Photo Credit: Tim Hanson) VIEW ORIGINAL

It is not always easy to transition from one career path to another, however, Camille Hodge did and has been recognized as the Security Assistance Command’s 2nd quarter of fiscal year 2022 Employee of the Quarter.

Hodge is the former property book officer at USASAC but now works as a country program manager for the SOUTHCOM/NORTHCOM regional office in the command. She manages eight countries, handling the foreign military sales and the transfer of defense articles and services.

“She is a team player who gladly assists her colleagues and the command with her vast experience,” said Michael Roach, her supervisor and division chief in the SOUTHCOM/NORTHCOM regional office. “Ms. Hodge sees challenges as opportunities for professional growth and development. She frequently goes above and beyond to serve the FMS partner.”

Hodge manages eight country programs comprised of 109 active cases valued at $167 million, and serves as an alternate CPM for two countries comprised of 92 active cases valued at $1.1 billion. Without being asked, Hodge voluntarily assisted another CPM who returned from extended medical leave. “Her reputation and dedication to support our partners is unmatched,” said Roach.

She routinely identifies residual funds in her country programs that can be used by FMS partners to procure additional material or services. This reduces acquisition lead times. Hodge worked closely with the Chilean Liaison Officer located at the USASAC New Cumberland, Pennsylvania location, by providing weekly status updates of FMS cases in development, solutions, and courses of action to resolve programmatic issues.

Her resourcefulness and ability to work with all stakeholders to support the customer resulted in the offer of a priority Letter of Offer and Acceptance to Guatemala for two Bell 412EPX aircraft. Because of her exceptional efforts, the LOA was offered three months ahead of schedule and met Guatemala’s desired timeline. As a result, this enabled Guatemala to satisfy internal budgetary timeline requirements. These aircraft will be used for a wide variety of missions, including aviation support to its armed forces, military assistance to civil authorities in responding to natural disasters, search and rescue, delivery of relief supplies, reconnaissance, and air evacuation.

Throughout the process, Hodge kept senior Army leadership apprised of the LOA status during development, provided strategic guidance to other Army commands involved, as well as managed expectations with the FMS partner on the cost and schedule. This LOA provides a total package approach to ensure that the FMS partner is able to successfully operate and maintain the aircraft throughout its lifecycle.

“She is a leader amongst the other CPMs and takes initiative on many tasks to benefit the command and FMS Partner,” said Roach. “Her teamwork, strong work ethic, and kindness towards all is a morale booster in the command.”

In addition to her CPM responsibilities, Hodge supported command property book officer requirements until a new PBO was hired. The USASAC Secretary of the General Staff, requested she assist the Chief Information Office to complete a time‐sensitive requirement. The office needed to acquisition equipment for a critical replacement of sensitive encryption devices for the secure internet protocol router environment, her efforts led to better SIPR reliability.

When the opportunity presents itself, Hodge is the first to willingly participate in command initiatives and focus groups designed to improve the speed, efficiency, and effectiveness of FM processes, policies, and regulations to better serve our partners.

Hodge is a devoted wife and mother of one child, who finds time to balance family, volunteer activities and work. She is a lifetime member of Women’s Veterans Interactive, a nonprofit organization that combats homelessness, promotes advocacy, empowerment, interaction, and outreach. She also volunteers at the Huntsville Downtown Rescue Mission Center in her spare time, serving hot meals to those in need.