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Defending America 24/7: Fort Gordon celebrates Army birthday

By Laura LeveringJune 14, 2022

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12 / 12 Show Caption + Hide Caption – (Photo Credit: Laura Levering / U.S. Army Signal School) VIEW ORIGINAL

Fort Gordon celebrated the United States Army’s 247th birthday with a morning post-wide run and cake cutting ceremony.

U.S. Army Cyber Center of Excellence Command Sgt. Maj. Delia Quintero and U.S. Army Signal School Commandant Col. James Turinetti led an estimated 2,000 service members, including Airmen, Corpsmen and Marines, on a formation run intended to build esprits de corps while honoring the Army’s people.

Established on June 14, 1775, the Army is one of the oldest institutions in the country.

This year’s celebration focuses on people – Soldiers, families and civilians – who make defending America and its values 24/7 possible.

Following the run, Turinetti shared a few remarks that included a brief explanation of the significance of this year’s birthday, beginning with the numerals that make it up.

“Two, four and seven are significant for two reasons; first, because the Army has existed for 247 years, and second, because the Army is there to defend our nation 24/7,” he said.

Turinetti went on say Soldiers are “ready anytime and anywhere,” trained in a broad range of professions including “communications, engineering, medicine, aviation and more.”

“There are more than 200 jobs in the Army,” he continued. “The diverse and wide-ranging skillsets of our Soldiers – from carpenters and mechanics to infantrymen and cyber and signal warriors – allow them to defend America 24/7.”

Maj. Timothy Stiers, of the Cyber Protection Brigade, and Pfc. Jordan Byrd, 551st Signal Battalion, are among those on Fort Gordon who chose to serve in support of America 24/7.

Stiers, the installation’s oldest officer, and Byrd, the installation’s youngest enlisted Soldier, each said they are proud to serve in the Army.

Byrd said her top reasons for enlisting were to further her education, “help others, and keep freedom here in America.”

As for Stiers, a chaplain, joining the Army back in 1995 was “a dream come true.”

“I’m here because of the opportunity to work and serve the people,” Stiers said.

Prior to cutting the cake, Quintero asked that everyone observe a moment of silence in honor of those who made the ultimate sacrifice and for the loved ones they left behind.