MG Roberson talks Cooperation: Opens Strategic Landpower Symposium

By Carol KerrJune 10, 2022

MG Roberson talks Cooperation: Opens Strategic Landpower Symposium
MG David Hill, USAWC Commandant sets the context for a 3-day deep dive into application of strategic landpower to meet the nation's objectives to cooperate and compete in gray-zone conflict and to win in large-scale combat operations, May 1 @USAWC (Photo Credit: Carol Kerr) VIEW ORIGINAL

Now underway, the first annual Strategic Landpower Symposium is co-sponsored by the HQDA G-3/5/7 and the U.S. Army War College, the Army's center for study of strategic landpower as a critical element of joint all-domain operations. Participants will share and explore research findings and experiential insights about the strategic application of landpower in cooperation, competition, integrated deterrence, and multi-domain operations.

Track the conference on Twitter @USAWC # StratLandPwr.

This symposium adds another USAWC tool for the Army's examination and education about strategic landpower and theater-level plans and operations. USAWC delivers the Combined/ Joint Forces Land Component Command Course, for selected general/ flag officers who expect leadership roles in land component commands. Every Army Service Component Command, ASCC, has scheduled the Theater Army Staff Course, developed by USAWC and piloted for U.S. Army North in December 2021. And the signature Army War College curriculum explores the evolution of policy through campaign planning; the Military Strategy and Campaigning core course examines enterprise-level planning and decision-making for Theater and higher, with an end-of-course exercise set in a not-too-distant USIndoPACOM. For the past few years, the Strategic Landpower integrated research projects, developed by faculty-student teams, have tailored their research to support Army headquarters, like the Mission Command Center of Excellence, and Army Futures Command.

“China and Russia continue to fight for influence in key regions around the globe. They seek to limit U.S. ability to build relationships that enhance deterrence and support international norms,” said USAWC Commandant Maj. Gen. David Hill, setting the context for the event. “These defenses operate across all domains and contest our ability to operate … and threaten the economy, transportation, infrastructure, troop readiness, [while] limiting power projection.” Collective insights of the Strategic Landpower Symposium may help generate solutions for Army consideration re winning an uncertain future, countering China, Russian fight for influence and for anti-access area denial, he said.

“This week … we all need to consider new ways of looking at the future to identify what actions may be needed to achieve our national objectives … and to set the conditions for the Joint force to succeed in conflict. As a critical part of the landpower community, it is our job to determine how landpower can help the nation achieve its strategic objectives … not only in conflict, but also in cooperation, competition, and as part of an integrated deterrence,” said Hill.

Keynote speakers will open critical topics -- Cooperation ** Integrated Deterrence ** Homeland Defense ** Future of the Army Profession ** Future Warfare Considerations -- to be further developed by panel-led discussions informed by research and analysis.

Cooperation and Setting the Theater (May 10)

MG PATRICK B. ROBERSON, Commandant, U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School -- opened the first discussion, on Cooperation. While some mil-to-mil engagements are partner capacity-building in nature, Security Force Assistance includes subject matter exchange, liaison, and exercise support as well. Partnerships are best when they are persistent and continuous -- ranging from training exchanges to military sales and training, among ways we can build deeper relationships and help make them a better partner all around.

Colombia is a great example of security cooperation at work, over time. That country is now an exporter of security, said Roberson, using the case study to impart key insights about security cooperation. Changing mindsets is a slow process, he noted, so it's critical to understand the long-term nature of the investment to inspire and help develop other countries' processes, programs, and priorities, he said. Examples include Colombia's establishment of a professional NCO Corps. Benefits can be mutual, he added, noting that the US military invested early in training for Ukraine's ability to stymie the Russian information campaign, and now we're learning from their strategies.

Cooperation is a long game. Cooperation is competition, he suggested, as he reviewed lessons of integrated defense in Ukraine. Cooperation is a long-term process producing iterative improvements. "The best war is the one you don't have to fight and that's what security cooperation gives us," he said.

The 70 countries of Operation Inherent Resolve showcased the truth of collaboration. We were more powerful with 70 countries working together, contributing a diverse set of strengths. Among other points, he noted that other countries may know our adversaries better than we might.

Panel discussion with COL Jay Liddick (PKSOI) Prism of Stabilizationl COL Julian Urquidez (ASLSP) Effectively Employing US Army Security Force Assistance Brigades in Great Power Competition; COL Scott Nauman (SFA Proponent Office) Security Force Assistance in Cooperation; COL Gregory Foxx (USAWC) Army Special Operations Forces and Strategic Competition; LTC Philip Baker (USAWC) The ARNG State Partnership Program

Integrated Deterrence (May 10)

MR. MIKE DONOFRIO, Director of Strategy, OSD Policy will offer key remarks, followed by panel discussion with MAJ Brennan Deveraux (SAMS) Just Another Weapon of War: Conventionally Armed Theater-Support Missiles as Strategic Landpower; COL Bryan Groves, Ph.D. (Joint Staff J5) 2022 NDS and NMS; Dr. John Bonin (USAWC) The Role of Information Superiority Operations in the Application of Strategic Landpower;' COL JP Clark, Ph.D. (DAMO-SS) The Army’s Role in Integrated Deterrence; LTC Eric Gilge (CADD) Field Manual 3-0 and Multi-Domain Operations

Homeland Defense (May 11)

LTG JOHN R. EVANS, JR., Commanding General, United States Army North followed by panel discussion with Dr. Phil Brown and Lt Col Jahara Matisek, Ph.D. (US Air Force Academy) Projecting American Landpower in the Next Crisis: Forts to Ports; Dr. John Borek (USAWC) Landpower’s Role in Homeland Defense; LTC Matt Cavenaugh, Ph.D. (NORAD) Without Homeland Defense There is no Power Projection

Strategic Landpower Integrated Research Project - LTC Timothy Clark (USAWC) MDO Logistics in the Pacific; COL Curtis Perkins (USAWC)Theater Sustainment: Setting the Conditions for LSCO; Mr. Kirk Sanders (USAWC)Theater Army ISR: Forward Presence in the Pacific; LTC Timothy Sikorski (USAWC) Informed Competition: The Theater Army’s Role in the Information Environment; Lt Col Carl Zeppegno (USAWC) Intelligence Impacts on Expeditionary Advanced Base Operations

Leadership and the Military Profession (May 11) with Dr. Tom Galvin and Dr. Richard Lacquement, (USAWC) The Army and the Future of the US Military Profession; MAJ Cole Livieratos, Ph.D. (AFC) Army Leadership in Future War; Dr. Tom Galvin, Con Crane, Mike Lynch (USAWC) Enterprise Readiness: Providing Strategic Agility for the Next Big War

Future Warfare (May 12)

BG STEPHANIE R. AHERN, Director of Concepts, Futures and Concepts Centers, U.S. Army Futures Command - followed by panel discussion with Dr. Billy Barry and Prof Fred Gellert (USAWC) Lessons from the First War in the Age of AI; Dr. Kathleen Moore (USAWC) Info as a Weapons against Military Readiness; Dr. Mike Dennis (AFC) Lessons from Recent Wars; Mr. Lee Grubbs (TRADOC G2 Mad Scientist Director) Understanding China after Russia’s War in Ukraine


Background - The Chief of Staff of the Army called for Multi-Domain Transformation in CSA Paper #1 and outlined the Army's role in competition in CSA Paper #2 to address the unprecedented set of challenges to U.S. national interests posed by peer and near-peer competitors, trans-border threats, and other strategic issues. The Army must be able to operate in a multi-domain environment, synchronizing and leveraging air, land, maritime, space, cyber, and information capabilities and strategies. Likewise, All-Domain Operations require new operational concepts, technologies, weapons, and units to address future challenges.

The Army War College focuses study and ideas at the nexus of the operational and strategic levels of war, applying its expertise in relevant research and analysis of the priorities of the Army and Joint Force.

"This symposium links education and application -- an example of the Army War College's focus on educating strategic leaders for 2035 and beyond," said Dr. Greg Cantwell. "We are assembling a group of senior speakers and designing workshops and panels to take a deep look at the future role of Strategic Landpower."