Pōhakuloa Training Area (PTA) Welcomes Community On-Base

By U.S. Army Garrison Hawaii Public Affairs OfficeMay 18, 2022

Engine 50B
1 / 11 Show Caption + Hide Caption – This Hilo High School "Vulcan" got the special treatment and sat in the cab of the newest fire engine for PTA Engine 50 and got the inside info from a PTA firefighter. Students were treated to a hands-on experience and got to handle a fire hose and feel what it's like to have tons of water pressure and the skill it takes to handle these lifesaving tasks. (Photo Credit: Michael Donnelly, U.S. Army Garrison Hawaii Public Affairs) VIEW ORIGINAL
Crowd Control
2 / 11 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Guests at this year's Experience PTA Day received the full-treatment at the PTA law enforcement exhibit, and even got to don the gear associated with crowd control--helmet, shin pads, elbow pads, shield and baton. Students mostly were intrigued about the gear and techniques used in crowd control, along with just knowing there is a law enforcement side of PTA. (Photo Credit: Michael Donnelly, U.S. Army Garrison Hawaii Public Affairs) VIEW ORIGINAL
Engine 50B
3 / 11 Show Caption + Hide Caption – These Hilo High School "Vulcans" got the special treatment and rcieved an in-depth orientation to the newest fire engine for PTA Engine 50 Bravo and got the inside info from one of PTAs finest. Students were treated to a hands-on experience and got to handle a fire hose and feel what it's like to have tons of water pressure and the skill it takes to handle these lifesaving tasks. (Photo Credit: Michael Donnelly U.S. Army Garrison Hawaii Public Affairs) VIEW ORIGINAL
EPTA Inbrief
4 / 11 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Lt. Col. Kevin Cronin, commander of U.S. Army Garrison Pohakuloa, provides initial remarks and takes questions from the students from Hilo High School who spent the better part of four hours learning about PTA and the different aspects it take to run the premier training base. (Photo Credit: Michael Donnelly, U.S. Army Garrison Public Affairs) VIEW ORIGINAL
PTA Hunting
5 / 11 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Experience PTA Day welcomed back not only the community but also the many veterans on Hawaii Island. This couple from Volcano area on the East side of Hawaii were treated here to all the details surrounding the hunting program at PTA. PTA offers game hunting enthusiasts the opportunity to hunt wild boar, turkey, sheep and goat. (Photo Credit: Michael Donnelly, U.S. Army Garrison Hawaii Public Affairs) VIEW ORIGINAL
Fire Drill
6 / 11 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Patrons of this year's Experience PTA were treated to learning about the fire fighting mission for the PTA Firefighters, and even got to handle the hoses used in fighting fires in the Saddle Region. Patrons were able to climb about the newest fire engine at PTA, along with donning firefighting equipment. (Photo Credit: Michael Donnelly, U.S. Army Garrison Hawaii Public Affairs) VIEW ORIGINAL
7 / 11 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Members of the Natural Resources Team at PTA take a moment for the camera before welcoming dozens of guests from the community who received an inside look at the natural resource management team This team manages the protection of 26 endangered plant and animal species across the PTA landscape. (Photo Credit: Michael Donnelly, U.S. Army Garrison Hawaii Public Affairs) VIEW ORIGINAL
Flight Suit
8 / 11 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Guests at this year's Experience PTA Day received the full-treatment at the Natural Resources Office exhibit, and even got to don the flight suit, helmet and get their picture taken in front of a mural of the aircraft used to support the NRO team. PTA NRO uses these aircraft for aerial counts of animals in the training area, survey different parcels and even transport to different partnered areas on Hawaii Island. (Photo Credit: Michael Donnelly, U.S. Army Garrison Hawaii Public Affairs) VIEW ORIGINAL
9 / 11 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Pictured is an original version of the HMMWV or commonly called Hummer. This is a display by the Solid Waste Management section at PTA who strives to maintain a 60%+ diversion rate for all refuse coming out of PTA. Here, the "Oil Cat" is used to recycle the oil and trun it into usable fuel for the vehicle. (Photo Credit: Michael Donnelly, U.S. Army Garrison Hawaii Public Affairs) VIEW ORIGINAL
Cultural Resources
10 / 11 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Displays and kiosks set up by the cultural resources team at PTA included informational trifolds for guest to lkearn about the intrique job the professional at PTA do in their resource management efforts. (Photo Credit: Michael Donnelly, U.S. Army Garrison Hawaii Public Affairs) VIEW ORIGINAL
11 / 11 Show Caption + Hide Caption – The Natural Resource Team at PTA protects and manages 26 endangered plants and animals across 133,000 acres of training lands, and provides the balance of resource management to military training. Pictured is the endangered and protected Hawaiian Nene goose. (Photo Credit: Michael Donnelly, U.S. Army Garrison Hawaii Public Affairs) VIEW ORIGINAL

U.S. Army Garrison Pohakuloa Training Area opened its gates to the public on Hawaii Island May 12 to showcase what goes on inside the premier Army training base in the Saddle Region.

"This was exciting for us here, because it’s important to show the local community what we do here, and all the unique aspects of PTA and how we truly are a part of this community." said Lt. Col. Kevin Cronin, U.S. Army Garrison commander. "Opening the front gates and engaging with students, kupuna, keiki and other local friends is what it’s all about."

The training base holds its open house annually, but due to COVID restrictions, the event has been on hold since 2019.

This year’s event was scaled down to accommodate the re-starting of the community event, which normally hosts upwards of 750 guests. This year, about 200 guests from all sides of Hawaii Island came to the Saddle Region from Hilo, Kona, Waimea, Waikoloa, and Volcano.

U.S. Army Garrison Pohakuloa holds the event each year around Earth Day,  however, it was postponed this year to May.

The Army base had displays and exhibits including natural and cultural resource, police and fire departments, PTA Recycling Center, the Veterans Administration from Hilo, PTA Public Works, other military equipment displays and the United Services Organization

Patrons were able to get a hands-on feel for not only new equipment like the PTA Fire Engine 50, but also take a moment to don actual gear (helmets, jackets, protective gear) worn by the first responders at PTA.

Not to be outdone, the PTA natural resource display allowed guests to wear a flight suit, aviator helmet and take a fun-posed photo with their contracted helicopter on a mural as the backdrop. Overall it was a festive and enjoyable atmosphere for all those who attended.

PTA leadership is already leaning forward to plan for 2023.

"This was a good start for us, and we really are excited to see how 2023 shapes up particularly with those from the community participating who normally have a booth or display here," Cronin said.

PTA leadership will publish the new date for the 2023 event on their Facebook page in the near future. For more information go to https://www.facebook.com/PohakuloaTrainingArea

Click here to link to the Twitter page https://twitter.com/PohakuloaArmy/status/1527128257350537216