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The Senior Enlisted Council created an opportunity for the students of NLC to interact with Army’s premier Enlisted leaders

By Robert MartinMay 4, 2022

The Senior Enlisted Council, the Sgt. Maj. of the Army’s advisory body, convened at Carlisle Barracks this week for their quarterly meeting to discuss issues impacting readiness, Soldiers, and their families, and recommend viable solutions to on-going challenges. Attendees for the event included SMA Michael Grinston; and nominative sergeants major from across the Total Force, CSM Daniel Hendrex (TRADOC); CSM Brian Hester (Army Futures Command); CSM Todd Simms (FORSCOM); CSM Alberto Delgado (Army Materiel Command); CSM Scott Brzak (USARPAC); CSM Jeremiah Inman (USAREUR-AF); CSM Tomeka O’Neal (DLA); CSM Michael Weimer (USASOC); CSM John Raines (ARNG); CSM Andrew Lombardo (USAR); CSM Diamond Hough (MEDCOM); and SGM Julie Guerra (HQDA DCoS, G2).

The SEC’s presence at Carlisle Barracks created an opportunity for the Nominative Leader Course students, each senior Sgts. Maj. who serve as senior enlisted leaders and advisors to General Officers and Senior Executive Service civilian officials in Army and Joint Force commands, to interact act with and learn from the SEC members. Earlier this week Raines and Lombardo each spent time with the NLC discussing Army National Guard and U.S. Army Reserve integration as part of the Total Force. On Thursday, the TRADOC, AFC, FORSCOM, and AMC senior enlisted leaders shared insights on how their organizations are addressing Secretary of the Army Wormuth’s objectives laid out in a recent “Message to the Force” and how nominative leaders play an important role in helping their units accomplish those goals.

This week also saw members of the Senior Enlisted Spouse Council come together to discuss family programs and assess aspects of the Nominative Spouse Seminar curriculum. Similar to the SEC’s engagements with NLC, the NSS participants benefited from their interactions with SESC members learning more about the informal leadership roles nominative spouses play in Army organizations assisting Soldiers and Families. USAWC Professor of Executive Communication, Dr. Abigail Stonerock, facilitated separate sessions with both the NSS and SESC on how senior leaders appropriately use power and influence to achieve a positive organizational effect.

SMA Grinston, the 16th Sgt. Maj. of the Army, serves as the Army chief of staff's adviser on matters affecting the enlisted force. Much of the SMA's time is spent traveling throughout the Army to observe training and talk to Soldiers and their families.