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PCS Season is Coming Soon, Start Preparing Now

By Lanessa HillApril 19, 2022

Soldiers, civilians, and their Families preparing for a permanent change of station (PCS) move during June, July and August (potentially into September) should anticipate unexpected delays in scheduling of their household goods move. Soldiers, civilians, and their Families should not move or store their household goods prior to receiving PCS orders. Soldiers and civilians need to contact the local transportation office as soon as orders are received and keep their Chain of Command informed on progress or challenges. Upon receipt of PCS orders, any delay in contacting the local transportation office (e.g. waiting 30 days or less for a desired pickup date) may result in non-availability of DoD moving companies.

Fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic has led to DoD moving companies experiencing continued labor constraints, port congestions, shortage of warehouses, trucks, equipment and supplies as well as increases in material costs. These shortfalls will continue to limit industry capacity, increase missed required delivery dates (RDD) and extend lead times for shipment pickups and deliveries up to 4 to 6 weeks during the summer peak season.

As of March 15, 2022, Human Resources Command (HRC) provided the total number of Soldiers (36,984) with 2022 PCS orders that have report dates during the 2022 summer peak moving season months of June, July, and August. In comparison to 2021, this is an increase of 2,897 more PCS orders issued with report dates during the 2022summer peak moving season months of June, July, and August. Unless industry labor availability improves significantly, the 2022 summer peak season will be even more challenging than 2021 for the movement of household good shipments.

Army Senior Leaders are aware of these challenges and actively exploring mitigation actions for Soldier, civilian, and their Family relocation issues. Headquarters Department of Army G4 recently published a Household Goods Quality of Life (QOL) link on the HQDA G4 News page with great resources and information.

Some advice from the Fort Detrick Logistics Readiness Center Personal Property Team includes:

P - Plan your move. Pay attention to the Personal Property Team during levy briefings, ask questions, take notes. Know your maximum Household Goods weight allowance and what items you are authorized to ship. Decide what to ship, store, and or donate or recycle.

C - Coordinate your move. Immediately upon receipt of orders, log in to, input your information, and select shipping dates.

S - Stay flexible regarding selected dates and remain in contact with your Transportation Service Provider (Moving Company). The goal is to assist you in making a successful move but you must take an active part in the process. Relocating can be stressful but early coordination and planning can reduce the stress and help you to stay on schedule.
