1st Space Brigade SHARP team to highlight awareness

By Sgt. 1st Class Aaron RognstadApril 14, 2022

1st Space Brigade SHARP team to highlight awareness
Jess Wilson, Brigade victim's advocate (VA) created the above tagline and logo that is posted around 1st Space Brigade to focus on prevention. “I intervene: it takes nerve to stop sexual assault” (Photo Credit: Sgt. 1st Class Aaron Rognstad) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT CARSON, Colo. - With April serving as sexual assault awareness and prevention month, the 1st Space Brigade’s Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP) team will host a series of events and observances throughout the rest of the month in order to shine light on an issue that is, and has been, one of the Army’s top priorities in recent history.

“Victim care is, first and foremost, our top priority,” said Sgt. 1st Class Andrew Ross, 1st Space Brigade Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC). “Our team is dedicated to providing professional, empathetic, responsive, and timely care and resources to support victims’ healing and recovery.”

The team will host a Chalk the Walk event for the remainder of this week, where Soldiers will have the opportunity to write messages showing support to survivors of sexual assault on the sidewalks in front of the brigade and company areas.

Next week, sexual assault survivor stories will be on display throughout the brigade common areas, and the week thereafter, on the 27th of April, the team will host a brigade senior leader Q&A panel featuring subject matter experts and first responders who work with sexual assault survivors.

Also on April 27th, the team will encourage the wearing of denim clothing to work for Denim Day in a show of support for sexual assault survivors.

Finally, on April 29th, at 0900, the brigade will host a 5K Color Run at Iron Horse Park on post, in collaboration with the brigade’s family readiness group and other wellness agencies. Runners are encouraged to wear teal in support of sexual assault survivors.

“The SHARP program benefits not only Soldiers, but their adult family dependents as well as providing services to Department of Defense civilians,” said Jess Wilson, the brigade’s Victim Advocate (VA). “It provides those in need a safe, confidential space to file a complaint/report, ask questions, or receive more information and resources.”

Army SHARP professionals are responsible for providing victim advocacy, program management, training and education, case management, and trend analysis. They also advise leaders and commanders on all matters related to both sexual harassment and sexual assault.

Recent developments to SHARP program policies include changes in regulations regarding a Soldier’s ability to still file a restricted report even when their chain of command is notified, as long as they did not directly report the incident to local law enforcement. Additionally, Executive Order 14062, signed by President Biden in January, now makes sexual harassment a criminal offense under article 134 of the Uniformed Code of Military Justice.

For more information regarding these or any other updates, please contact your Brigade SARC or VA.