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SAMS restructuring, adapting to rapidly changing environment

By Army University Public AffairsApril 14, 2022

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FORT LEAVENWORTH, Kansas--Army University’s School of Advanced Military Studies, better known as SAMS, is restructuring to adapt to the rapidly changing operational environment. “The reorganization of SAMS will help align course curriculum with Multi-Domain Operations as part of a Joint Force,” said Major General Donn H. Hill, Provost of Army University. “The SAMS reorganization ensures that our Army has the right planners and leaders in its formations to fight and win.”

Changes of note include measures to ensure increased oversight of staff and instructor teams to match diverse instructor skill sets with SAMS learning objectives.

SAMS is one of four schools under the Army University’s Command and General Staff College. Other schools in the college, Command and General Staff School, School for Command Preparation, and the U.S. Army Sergeants Major Academy have undergone reorganization and curriculum changes in the past few years to meet the demands of the 21st century Army.

Army University continually evaluates its colleges, schools, and courses to ensure the educational needs of the leaders, Soldiers, and Army Civilian Employees are met. In addition to changes at CGSC schools, other Army Professional Military Education elements are also changing. The Captains Career Course is in the process of being updated and officials are preparing to implement changes in the Warrant Officer Career Course Common Core.

From its beginning in 1983, SAMS has educated members of all U.S. armed forces, international partner students and students from other Federal agencies at the graduate level to become agile and adaptive leaders who are critical and creative thinkers that produce viable options to solve operational and strategic problems.

Today, SAMS consists of three advanced educational programs. The Advanced Military Studies Program is a graduate-level program that develops effective planners who help senior leaders understand the operational environment and then visualize and describe viable solutions to operational problems. The Advanced Strategic Leadership Studies Program is a 24-month senior service college (war college) level course that provides a comprehensive, multifaceted focus at the theater-strategic level across the spectrum of joint and land force operations—during peace, crisis, and war. The Advanced Strategic Planning and Policy Program is a multi-year program that prepares field-grade officers for service as strategic planners through a combination of practical experience, professional military education, and a doctorate from a civilian university.