USASAC inks agreement with Poland, strengthens NATO's eastern flank

By Tim HansonApril 6, 2022

Signed agreement strengthens partnership and security
With the stroke of a pen, Brig. Gen. Garrick Harmon, USASAC's commanding general, and the head of Poland's Ministry of National Defense, Mariusz Błaszczak(not pictured), signed a letter of offer and acceptance which finalizes an agreement for the U.S. to sell 250 Abrams tanks to the Polish Army. The tanks are expected to improve Poland's capability to meet current and future threats by providing a credible force that is capable of deterring adversaries and participating in NATO operations. #StrengthInCooperation (Photo Credit: Tim Hanson) VIEW ORIGINAL

RESTONE ARSENAL, Ala. — U.S. Army Security Assistance Command's motto is "Strength in Cooperation."

That motto was on display when the United States and Poland both signed an agreement in support of security cooperation objectives that will bolster partner capacity and strengthen NATO's eastern flank.

Brig. Gen. Garrick Harmon, USASAC's commanding general, along with Poland's head of the Ministry of National Defense signed a contract for the purchase of 250 Abrams tanks for the Polish Army.

"This is a historic day for the United States Security Assistance Command and Poland. In today's current environment, having a great ally in Poland with this capability on NATO's eastern flank at a time of growing crisis and conflict is historic. It is a great testament to the relationship we have with Poland," said Harmon.

The Defense Security Cooperation Agency stated in February that the sale will improve Poland's capability to meet current and future threats by providing a credible force that is capable of deterring adversaries and participating in NATO operations.

According to Poland's Ministry of National Defense website, Minister Mariusz Błaszczak noted that "this is a very important day in the history of Polish-American cooperation, but also a very important day when it comes to the history of the Polish Army...In July last year, together with Deputy Prime Minister Jarosław Kaczyński, here at the headquarters of the 1. Tadeusz Kościuszko, a hero of two nations - Polish and American, announced the decision of the Polish government to purchase Abrams tanks. Today we signed the agreement, and therefore we finalized this decision."

Harmon signed the Army's foreign military sales letter of offer and acceptance for the tanks on April 1 at Redstone Arsenal, Alabama. The head of the Ministry of National Defense signed the agreement on April 4 in Poland, with Mark Brzezinski, the United States Ambassador to Poland, also participating.

Poland's purchase of the latest version of the SEPv3 Abrams tanks also includes ammunition and accompanying technical protection vehicles, as well as a training and logistics package.

"Allies and partners are a top priority for both the Department of Defense and the U.S. Army. This sale will improve Poland's capability to deter regional threats and strengthen its homeland defense," said Harmon.

According to Poland's Ministry of National Defense, the Abrams tanks will go to units located in the eastern part of the Polish, to the eastern flank of NATO - primarily to the 18th Infantry Division. Mechanized Division, including the 1. Warsaw Armored Brigade. The first tanks for training will go to the Land Forces later this year and the completion of deliveries is planned for 2026.