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Town Center Pharmacy pilot program tests new hours of operation

By Maria Christina YagerMarch 31, 2022

FORT CAMPBELL, Ky. – The Town Center Pharmacy on Fort Campbell will begin a pilot program to test new weekday hours of operation, beginning April 25. The Town Center will open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. The pharmacy’s Saturday hours, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., remain unchanged. The pharmacy is closed Sundays and on federal holidays.

“Although the hours will be shortened on weekdays, they were the least utilized times under the former hours of operation. The new hours mean there will be more staff available to help patients throughout the busiest hours of the day. Our goal is to create a more efficient and patient-centered workflow,” said Capt. Justis Freeley, Town Center pharmacist.

The change means more pharmacists and technicians will be on duty at the same time, keeping more customer service windows open to serve patients throughout the day and is part of a larger on-going Town Center process improvement initiative.

The Town Center is also testing other work flow adjustments behind the scenes and hospital leadership will track the progress and make adjustments as needed.

“We’ve looked at the data, and have taken a look at what other pharmacies within the Military Health System are doing. This allows us to test different options with the tools we have as we work to improve the process for patients and staff. Ultimately, our goal is to give patients a more efficient experience while continuing to offer safe pharmaceutical practices,” said Freeley.

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