Werner highlights his “People First” initiatives in virtual town hall

By Scott WakefieldMarch 8, 2022

Maj. Gen. Werner conducts quarterly Town Hall - Feb 16 2022
Maj. Gen. Darren Werner (right), commanding general U.S. Army Tank-automotive and Armaments Command, conducts a virtual town hall Feb. 16 from the Detroit Arsenal as Brian Butler (center), TACOM deputy to the commander, and Annette Riggs (left), TACOM deputy chief of staff, look on. (Photo Credit: Scott Wakefield) VIEW ORIGINAL

DETROIT ARSENAL, Mich. — Maj. Gen. Darren Werner, commanding general U.S. Army Tank-automotive and Armaments Command, took the opportunity at his quarterly town hall to explain a few of the initiatives of the command and of Army Materiel Command have developed to support the Army’s “People First” initiative.

One of the first initiatives is an AMC expansion on the Sgt. Maj. of the Army Michael Grinston’s “This is my Squad” initiative, which was designed to help Soldiers build cohesive teams. AMC’s version “This is my Organization,” provides a holistic and multifaceted approach to create a positive work environment at all levels of command.

“TiMO embraces Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, while putting people first and foremost and making them our number one priority,” said Werner.

Werner then had Dave Youngblood, TACOM’s director, equal employment opportunity, talk about the command’s efforts to help create a more positive workplace and highlight the Civilian development program.

Youngblood highlighted the Black Engineer of the Year Awards, or BEYA, which occurs every February. In conjunction with the awards program, the organization also sponsors a Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Career Fair.

“If we continue to recruit the cream of the crop talent year after year, these individuals will be moving into middle management and supervisory jobs and that will be great for the overall health of the organization,” said Youngblood.

TACOM uses the career fair to primarily attract recent minority college graduates, but the event is open for anyone to anyone.

“We will continue to refine our senior leader hiring process, and work through social media and other platforms to increase the number of qualified applicants we have for positions,” said Werner.

Youngblood also explained Command Sgt. Maj. Jerry Charles’ new initiative for new TACOM employees. The TACOM New Employee Oversight Program will help track a new employee from their hiring date for approximately a year through surveys and sensing sessions to see how they are settling into the command, and how well the command is taking care of their needs.

Finally, Youngblood spoke about the TACOM Mentoring Program. This program helps formalize a mentee and mentor relationship between employees seeking advice and support from more experienced members in the TACOM workforce to help them guide their careers.

“The program is a structured way to make sure that individuals can continue to grow within the organization,” said Youngblood.