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More than 45,000 Soldiers to take to the air and roads this Holiday Block Leave season

By Gary Loten-BeckfordDecember 15, 2021

Brig. Gen. John D. Kline, Commanding General for the Center for Initial Military Training. Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Virginia.
1 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Brig. Gen. John D. Kline, Commanding General for the Center for Initial Military Training. Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Virginia. (Photo Credit: Gary Loten-Beckford) VIEW ORIGINAL
Soldiers celebrate moments of holiday block leave travel to visit family and friends for the holiday season to recharge their batteries and build spiritual and mental readiness.
2 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Soldiers celebrate moments of holiday block leave travel to visit family and friends for the holiday season to recharge their batteries and build spiritual and mental readiness. (Photo Credit: Gary Loten-Beckford) VIEW ORIGINAL

JOINT BASE LANGLEY-EUSTIS, Va. (Dec. 15, 2021)— More than 45,000 U.S. Army Soldiers to take to the air and roads this holiday season as the Army kicks off the annual Holiday Block Leave period.

Holiday block leave is a unique program within the U.S. Army for Soldiers going through basic and Advanced Individual Training.

“This marks a time when our trainees, drill sergeants, and cadre are afforded the time to take a break from their training and reconnect with their families,” said Brig. Gen. John Kline, the Commanding General for the U.S. Army Center for Initial Military Training. “We want them to focus on their mental and spiritual readiness before coming back after the holidays to resume their training.”

While a lot of the attention during Holiday Block Leave is on the trainees and students, Kline said it is just as important to give the drill sergeants and cadre a break from an almost non-stop training cycle.

“This is also a time for our drill sergeants and cadre to take some much deserved time off to reconnect with their families and recharge their batteries,” said Kline.

In addition to focusing on Soldiers’ mental and spiritual readiness, Kline emphasized the mitigation measures being taken to ensure Soldiers are protected from COVID-19 during their travels, with each training center developing comprehensive mitigation measures before, during, and after block leave.

“The vast majority of trainees are vaccinated and we will be screening all of our Soldiers before they depart and upon return,” said Kline. “Soldiers will follow established guidance by ensuring they wash their hands, maintain social distancing, and wear a face mask as expected while traveling.”

Soldiers who are unvaccinated will be tested before departing and upon return.

Kline emphasized the discipline and values instilled in Soldiers during training and the expectation they continue to display these values while on leave, taking all precautions to keep themselves and others safe this holiday season.

He also mentioned the tremendous success these established mitigation measures had during last year’s Holiday Block Leave period, before COVID-19 vaccines were readily available. Of the more than 45,000 Soldiers who participated in block leave last year, less than 1% tested positive for COVID upon returning for training.

“With the mitigation measures in place, engaged leadership, and individual discipline, I’m confident we will have another safe and happy Holiday Block season this year,” stated Kline.

USACIMT is U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command’s lead for all initial entry training. USACIMT provides a process that aligns the development of competencies and behaviors in civilian volunteers in order for them to become Soldiers who are physically ready, grounded in Army Values, and competent in their skills so they are able to contribute.