Call for papers extended to Feb 2 - for Strategic Landpower Symposium @ArmyWarCollege @ Carlisle

By Carol KerrDecember 1, 2021

Call for papers extended to Feb 2 - for Strategic Landpower Symposium @ArmyWarCollege @ Carlisle
Call for papers extended to Feb 2 - for Strategic Landpower Symposium @ArmyWarCollege @ Carlisle (Photo Credit: Elena Patton) VIEW ORIGINAL

It's not too late for you to shape the discussion and future of Strategic Landpower. Paper proposals will be accepted through Feb. 2, with complete submissions due Feb. 25, 2022.

The U.S. Army War College and HQDA partner DAMO-SS are pleased to announce the first annual Strategic Landpower Symposium, an annual forum at Carlisle, PA, designed to solicit research and encourage professional discussion on “Strategic Landpower in Integrated Deterrence, Cooperation, Competition, and/or Joint All-Domain Operations.” The symposium is scheduled for 10-12 May 2022, at the USAWC's Army Heritage and Education Center, Carlisle, Pa.

Submit paper proposals, register, and learn more at Submit a brief abstract in 250 words or fewer, and a one-page Curriculum Vitae. The USAWC faculty will select the best paper submissions to present at the Symposium, with the chance for future publication -- for these topics:

Future role of Strategic Landpower in Integrated Deterrence



Joint All-Domain Operations.

The Chief of Staff of the Army called for Multi-Domain Transformation in CSA Paper #1 and outlined the Army's role in competition in CSA Paper #2 to address the unprecedented set of challenges to U.S. national interests posed by peer and near-peer competitors, transborder threats, and other strategic issues. The Army must be able to operate in a multi-domain environment, synchronizing and leveraging air, land, maritime, space, cyber, and information capabilities and strategies. Likewise, All-Domain Operations require new operational concepts, technologies, weapons, and units to address future challenges.

The Army War College focuses study and ideas at the nexus of the operational and strategic levels of war, applying its expertise in relevant research and analysis of the priorities of the Army and Joint Force.

"This symposium links education and application -- an example of the Army War College's focus on educating strategic leaders for 2035 and beyond," said Dr. Greg Cantwell. "We are assembling a group of senior speakers and designing workshops and panels to take a deep look at the future role of Strategic Landpower."