CFC Changemaker: My contributions make better future for my children

By Combined Federal CampaignNovember 9, 2021

CFC Changemaker: My contributions make better future for my children
CFC Changemaker: My contributions make better future for my children (Photo Credit: Courtesy Photo) VIEW ORIGINAL

HONOLULU -- Victoria Thomas is a U.S. Department of Defense civilian employee, a wife, mom, and changemaker.

Every year, Victoria gives through the Office of Personnel Management’s Combined Federal Campaign to empower children in her community, which is important to her when she gives to charity.

When asked why she gives back through the CFC, in her own words: “The time and money that CFC raises goes right back to the communities that we live and work in. I like seeing how my contributions are helping to make a better future for my children.”

What does giving back to your community look like?

  • $20 could fill a child’s backpack with supplies.
  • $50 could fund a daylong voter drive.
  • $150 could host a dance workshop for survivors of domestic abuse.
  • $500 could stock the shelves for a community’s early development program.

When able, Victoria also pledges volunteer hours to her favorite local charities, lending a helpful hand in addition to her payroll pledges.

Like Victoria, many CFC donors participate as a way of contributing right to their local communities. For 60 years, federal employees have taken the opportunity presented by the Office of Personnel Management and pledged to the thousands of participating charities.

We know there are a lot of giving options out there. You might be wondering: Why should I give through the CFC? Here are three great reasons:

  • Give through Payroll Deduction. Designate recurring gifts from each paycheck for a greater impact over time.
  • Give to Multiple Charities. Make all of your charitable donations and pledge volunteer hours in one place.
  • Give for Collective Impact. The world is a better place when changemakers like us give together.

Remember, through the CFC your pledge is always secure – the online CFC Giving System meets all federal security standards, and all charities have been vetted.

Not only is it quick to pledge through the online portal, but the comprehensive options ensure you have multiple ways to give easily – and the flexibility to change your pledge right up until the end of the solicitation period.

Join Victoria Thomas and the CFC community to be a changemaker for charities who need help now more than ever. Pledge today at

Community members who have questions about the Combined Federal Campaign can talk to their unit or office's CFC rep, or can reach out to U.S. Army Garrison Hawaii's CFC campaign manager at (808) 927-6609.