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KAHC receives 2021 Environmental Sustainability Award

By KAHC ReportsAugust 27, 2021

(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

Kenner Army Health Clinic received the 2021 Practice Greenhealth Environmental Excellence award. The award recognizes superior performance in environmental sustainability, covering a range of different sustainability programs and activities.

“KAHC has led the Army Medical Command in environmental sustainability for the past eight years,” said Maj. Brian Turner, deputy commander for administration. “We believe in providing high-quality healthcare in a facility that respects our environment.”

Over the past year, KAHC has engaged in targeted recycling efforts, focused on using green cleaning chemicals, and replaced over 40 conventional Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning units with variable function drives that reduce electrical consumption by more than 30 percent. Additionally, a reflective roof was installed in most areas of the clinic to reduce heat absorption thereby lowering electricity use.

According to Turner, “The Kenner team has focused on making smart, environmentally-conscious decisions for several years that allow us to accomplish our mission while simultaneously protecting our environment.”

The facility’s master plan includes continued efforts to engage and inform staff regarding opportunities to reduce waste, increase recycling, and conserve resources.

"Despite immense challenges, the health sector continues to rise to the challenge of addressing environmental factors affecting our health," said Gary Cohen, president of Practice Greenhealth. "Kenner Army Health Clinic's leadership, innovation, and progress demonstrate that smarter, sustainable operations can drive health care's transformation toward environmentally responsible practices."

Practice Greenhealth is the leading membership and networking organization for sustainable health care, delivering environmental solutions to more than 1,100 U.S. hospitals and health systems.