August 10, 2021
Media Advisory: 210810-01
MEDIA ADVISORY: Combined change of Command and Change of Responsibility brings new Leadership to USASOC
FORT BRAGG, N.C. (August 10, 2021) -- Lt. Gen. Francis M. Beaudette, Commanding General, U.S. Army Special Operations Command, will relinquish command to Maj. Gen. (P) Jonathan P. Braga during a ceremony at Fort Bragg, Aug 13, 2021.
In the same ceremony, Command Sgt. Maj. Marc W. Eckard will change responsibility with Sgt. Maj. Michael R. Weimer.
Beaudette has commanded USASOC since June 2018, while Eckard assumed responsibility as the USASOC command senior enlisted leader in March 2018.
Braga is taking command following an assignment as the deputy commander, U.S. Army Pacific Command, Fort Shafter, Hawaii.
Weimer assumes the role of USASOC command senior enlisted leader after his assignment as the command sergeant major for U.S. Special Operations Command Central, MacDill Air Force Base, Florida.
The ceremony will take place at 8:30 a.m. on Meadows Field, at the USASOC headquarters.
Host for the ceremony is Gen. Richard D. Clarke, Commander, U.S. Special Operations Command, MacDill Air Force Base, Florida.
FOR THE MEDIA: Media wishing to cover the change of command ceremony must contact the USASOC public Affairs Office at, NLT COB August 11. Media should provide after-hours contact information, to include email addresses, in case of any changes to the program schedule. The ceremony will also be live-streamed on the USASOC Facebook page.
Please provide the number of news team members, video/still photographers, live-fee trucks and other special equipment you plan to bring to the ceremony.
COVID Guidance:
· Mask Guidance: All individuals must wear a mask inside any on-post facility at Fort Bragg regardless of vaccination status. This includes individuals that are Not Fully Vaccinated on and visiting Fort Bragg must also wear a mask in outdoor public spaces.
· Visitors attending the USASOC Change of Command and Change of Responsibility should bring their mask in order to meet Fort Bragg entry and COVID Protective Guidance.
Media should meet representatives from the USASOC Public Affairs Office at 7:45 Friday, Aug 13, at the All American gate. The media convoy will depart no later than 8:00 a.m.
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