JMC’s Spring into Wellness Campaign

By Sherrie Newman, Joint Munitions Command HR SpecialistJune 28, 2021

JMC’s Spring into Wellness Campaign
1 / 4 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Stephanie Hoaglin, Joint Munitions Command Employee and licensed yoga instructor (Photo Credit: Courtesy Asset) VIEW ORIGINAL
JMC’s Spring into Wellness Campaign
2 / 4 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Lori McFate, Joint Munitions Command employee and presenter of the book “On Fire," by John O’Leary. (Photo Credit: JMC Public Affairs) VIEW ORIGINAL
JMC’s Spring into Wellness Campaign
3 / 4 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Justine Barati, Joint Munitions Command employee and presenter of “The Science of Well-Being.” (Photo Credit: JMC Public Affairs) VIEW ORIGINAL
JMC’s Spring into Wellness Campaign
4 / 4 Show Caption + Hide Caption – JMC's Command Surgeon, Maj. Brian. Shiozawa, MD., presenter of Lifestyle Medicine (Photo Credit: JMC Public Affairs) VIEW ORIGINAL

The Joint Munitions Command Wellness Team conducted its 2021 Spring Wellness Campaign March 8 to May 19, 2021. This ten-week campaign focused on helping the workforce increase resiliency and personal readiness by learning to set goals around healthy habits, and create accountability for those habits with built-in sustainability. Participants were able to choose what habits they wanted to develop or improve, choosing daily or weekly activities, and whether they wanted to participate individually or as part of a team.

Like past JMC wellness campaigns, the team focused on needs the workforce identified in the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey and the Rock Island Arsenal Commander’s Ready & Resilient Council data. The campaign incorporated the Army Resilience Pillars of Strength to define weekly focus areas, including physical, emotional, social, and spiritual wellness, as well as family readiness.

“To increase engagement among participants for this campaign, the team incorporated weekly extra credit points, earned by participating in extra-curricular events,” said Norbert Herrera, deputy chief of staff, Human Resources. “We wanted to showcase our in-house wellness subject matter experts. We know there is a wealth of experience at JMC, and we wanted to capitalize on the talents of our team members.”

To do this, the workforce was invited to share their wellness-related knowledge with others during the campaign in any of the five Army Resilience Pillars of Strength. Here is a glimpse of the ten-week campaign:

Week 1: Emotional Strength: Mindful Movement by Kela Ganzer, JMC, Human Resources.

Week 2: Spiritual Strength: Chow and Chat with JMC’s Chaplain, Maj. Rodney Gilliam. This spurred an ongoing weekly series titled “Weekly Encouragement with Chaplain Gilliam” (see Week 7).

Week 3: Social Strength: “On Fire – Ignite Your Life” brunch & book discussion with Lori McFate, JMC Public and Congressional Affairs. “This book, written by John O’Leary, is a game-charger. It creates energy and urgency and identifies seven choices we can all make to help us get ignited and inspired about our life,” said Lori McFate, JMC employee and cancer survivor.

Week 4: Family Readiness: “The Science of Well-Being” with Justine Barati, JMC PCA. “This class, offered by Yale University, really helped me learn new ways to increase my own happiness and build productive habits. This is something needed by me and so many others right now as we manage in a virtual world, in the middle of a pandemic.”

Week 5: Physical Strength: An Introduction to Lifestyle Medicine with Dr. (Maj

) Shiozawa, MD, JMC Command Surgeon. "Lifestyle Medicine is simple, but powerful. It incorporates the use of whole food, regular physical activity, restorative sleep, stress management, avoidance of risky substances, and positive social connections for treatment and reversal of chronic disease," said Shiozawa.

Week 6: Family Readiness: HQ, JMC G1 team provided a list of recommended activities to complete with family and a video showing how to make a healthy smoothie.

Week 7: Spiritual Strength: Launch of “Weekly Encouragement with Chaplain Gilliam.”

Week 8: Social Strength: Yoga and Guided Meditation by Stephanie Hoaglin, Holston Site Chief. “Yoga and guided meditation are so good for our mental, physical, and emotional health, especially during difficult times, like we are experiencing right now with Covid-19 as we make decisions about getting vaccinated and reintegrate the workplace,” said Hoaglin.

Week 9: Physical – The Bucket List Challenge: This challenged participants to shop a local farmer’s market, buy locally grown fruits or vegetables, or try a new healthy meal.

Week 10: Anxiety: A State of Body and Mind: A round-table panel of SMEs in each of the pillars of resilience, followed by individual breakout sessions that participants could move in and out of, asking more personal questions of the panel.

At the end of the ten-week campaign, the HQ, JMC G1 team shared recipes, book ideas, and other wellness tips to help the workforce build personal resilience and readiness.

“We received some great feedback about the campaign,” said Stephanie Allers, HQ, JMC CR2C member. “I just want to send you some KUDOs; someone sent me an email today telling me how innovative and cleaver JMCs campaigns always are. Thank you all for always shining.”

To learn more about the personal resiliency and readiness, visit: