USACRC Independence Day 2021_210624.pdf [PDF - 730.2 KB]
Within just a few weeks, we celebrate both the Army and our Nation’s birthdays. That is no coincidence. Established in 1775 by the Second Continental Congress, the Continental Army was the fledgling force that gave our Founding Fathers the confidence to declare independence from imperial rule and form the United States of America. This experiment in democracy still inspires the pursuit of freedom around the globe. Today, as Soldiers and Civilians of the world’s greatest land power, thank you for what you do every day to ensure these ideals endure.
The 4th of July holiday marks the start of the deadliest two months for Army off-duty mishaps. An average of 21 Soldiers lose their lives in off-duty accidents every July and August, primarily in private motor vehicles. The majority of these mishaps are attributed to behavior-based errors like driving too fast or while fatigued in a mistaken attempt to maximize leisure time over extended weekends or on pass for longer trips. These hazards could be even more exacerbated this summer as Soldiers try to make up for experiences missed during 2020.
Leaders and Soldiers did a fantastic job mitigating risk and making safety a priority this past Memorial Day, the first relatively unrestricted holiday in more than a year. Zero Soldier mishap fatalities occurred during the long weekend, proof that leader counseling and Soldiers taking accountability for their personal risk management saves lives. We hope you take the same steps this Independence Day weekend and that, once again, everyone returns to duty rested and ready!
As always, visit for tools to help you and your Soldiers manage risk, both on and off duty. Thank you again for being part of this great Army and defending the freedoms our forefathers fought so hard to make reality. We hope you enjoy this well-deserved break and make some amazing memories over America’s birthday.
People First — Winning Matters — Readiness Through Safety!
William L. Gardner II Andrew C. Hilmes
Command Sergeant Major Brigadier General, USA
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