Optional: How to get the EU COVID VAX Digital Certificate in Germany

By Sidney Sullivan with USAG Bavaria Public AffairsJune 22, 2021

GRAFENWOEHR, Germany – When U.S. personnel are vaccinated against COVID-19 on the installation, military health clinics issue patients an official vaccination card from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This card is U.S. proof of vaccination and is widely accepted.

However, some U.S. Army Garrison Bavaria community members express interest in voluntarily signing up for the EU COVID VAX Digital Certificate to ensure additional methods of proof while traveling in the European Union. This electronic certificate is equivalent to the German physical yellow vaccination booklet known as an “Impfpass.”

For those who are interested, here are the five steps to enroll in the program:

EU COVID VAX Digital Certificate Instructions
When U.S. personnel are vaccinated against COVID-19 on the installation, military health clinics issue patients an official vaccination card from the CDC. This card is U.S. proof of vaccination and is widely accepted.

However, some USAG Bavaria community members express interest in voluntarily signing up for the EU COVID VAX Digital Certificate to ensure additional methods of proof while traveling in the European Union. Here are the five steps to enroll in the program. (Photo Credit: U.S. Army Europe and Africa)

Step 1: Android Assistance

Android users can use concurrent Google account login for the Play Store. For instance, a user can maintain both a primary Gmail account set to the U.S. and a secondary account set to Germany – so the user can switch back and forth for easy access to both app stores. It is not recommended to switch a primary account from the U.S. to Germany, because the user will lose access to the U.S. app store; moreover, regions can only be changed once every 365 days.

Within the Google Play Store:

  1. Tap your account in the upper-right corner, then expand your account information tab using the small down-arrow
  2. Tap on “add another account” to register a new Google account for the Germany Region
  3. You can then switch back and forth in Play Store by tapping the account names

Step 1: iOS Assistance

Apple users cannot use concurrent account login for the Apple Store. Instead, a user must establish a new Apple ID (login) for the Germany Region.

Within the Apple Store:

  1. Create a new Apple ID at https://appleid.apple.com/de/
  2. Adjust the mobile phone’s Region Setting (this may require a reboot)
  3. Install the app using the new account for the Germany Region
  4. Once the app is installed, the user can log out of the secondary German Apple ID and switch back to the primary U.S. Apple ID

Step 2: Required Documentation

  1. CDC vaccine card
  2. Photo ID (Note: This can be a passport, DoD ID or U.S. driver’s license – ensure that the ID displays the individual’s CDC Card identification number and date of birth)
  3. Copy of sponsor’s orders

Known Troubleshooting Issues

Some users have reported an issue with App Store privileges not allowing the user to download the Robert Koch Institut App – which provides a digital QR code that validates vaccination status. If this occurs, please visit this website: https://digitaler-impfnachweis-app.de/

Editor’s Note: It is not required that USAG Bavaria community members obtain an EU COVID VAX Digital Certificate. Choosing to obtain a digital passport is completely voluntary for U.S. personnel.