Yongsan-Casey targets SHARP LDRSHIP

By Sukanya Surette, USAG Yongsan-Casey Victim AdvocateJune 27, 2021

Yongsan-Casey targets SHARP LDRSHIP
1 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Dr. Irving Taylor Jr, the deputy to the garrison commander signs the 2021 SHARP proclamation. The USAG Yongsan-Casey community is dedicated to ending sexual violence and harassments, sponsors education, and outreach and victim support. For more information call the 24/7 Hotline service at DSN 158 or 0503-363-5700. (Photo Credit: Denver Beaulieu-Hains) VIEW ORIGINAL
Yongsan-Casey targets SHARP LDRSHIP
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Command Sgt. Major Wayne Butterbrodt and Colonel Ellis R. Baker sign a proclamation during an outreach fair at the Camp Casey Exchange Mall. The USAG Yongsan-Casey community is dedicated to ending sexual violence and harassments, sponsors education, and outreach and victim support. For more information or to request assistance, call the 24/7 Hotline service at DSN 158 or 0503-363-5700.
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army Photo)

CAMP CASEY, Republic of Korea [June 22, 2021] What do you think about when you see a crosswalk? It’s a safe zone. Most of us feel safe as we’re legally protected when crossing the street.

I believe everyone inside or outside our gates should be free of sexual violence. Everyone in the community should feel safe and protected.

First, it’s a Soldier’s psyche to serve with honor, duty, and selfless service. Not only do our service members provide support during crisis, earthquakes and hurricanes and they support other humanitarian missions such as delivering vaccines during COVID-19.  Soldiers are Medal of Honor winners demonstrating personal courage, for example, consider the June 25, 1950, invasion of 75,000 Soldiers from the North Korean People’s Army at the 38th parallel brought the U.S., United Kingdom and the forces of the United Nations together to ensure a liberated South Korea.  It’s clear we take care of each other in the battle field. That's the kind of effort we need to end sexual violence. We are still here [in South Korea ] as partners, allies and friends. That's commitment! SHARP is also something we can all commit to defeating.

When Soldiers must fight wars outside our walls, I believe they shouldn’t have to fight at home [in the garrison environment].

Additionally, I believe sexual assaults wouldn't happen if every individual asked one question, “am I treating others as I would like to be treated? That’s respect, as a leader am I creating an environment free of sexual harassment and sexual assault?

Not long ago, there were fourteen leaders 'relieved of duty' following a high-profile incident. Respect is an Army value that leads mankind toward empathy and concern or others. I believe it doesn’t matter if there are two cases or 200, sexual harassment and assault is preventable.

Finally, “do you believe you are the change?” The change happens if everyone recognizes the need to make our communities better and stronger. Sexual assault and harassment do not belong in our military. I believe we can all be safe and we must start today. As a victim advocate, that’s why I’m here.

At the USAG Yongsan-Casey community, our leadership team is applying resources against the education and tools to make our community safe and resilient.  It doesn’t matter if you're a Servicemember, U.S. or Korean Employee or retiree, be empowered and empower others to seek assistance, ask questions and to take the time to ask the right questions o avoid being involved in a SHARP-related incident.

These are the services available to you:

·        24/7 Hotline service (SHARP at DSN 158 or 0503-363-5700)

·        Refuge – we ensure a survivor feels safe and receives medical attention

·        Clinical and nonclinical referrals (behavioral health, confidential reporting, legal assistance, etc.)

·        Advocacy (dedicated support from a victim advocate)

·        A compassionate, caring support during the process

I hope you see between the lines. I am here to help. At our installation, no one walks the road alone.  We can’t control the war outside, but because integrity is one of those leadership characteristics we all have the capacity to develop. We show up for one another.

Finally, I just want to remind you our installations can all be safe spaces. The staff at the Army Community Service are working to ensure the Army's legacy is one of “Building Cohesive Teams through Character, Trust and Resilience. After all, we are protecting our people, thereby, protecting our mission.”

If you ever want to talk to a confidential counselor, a victim advocate, or have any questions regarding sexual harassment or sexual assault the SHARP team is here for you. We don’t let our team members fight alone.

For more information call your SHARP Office at DSN 158 or 0503-363-5700.