TADLP Mobile releases second slate of new audiobooks for Soldiers in Summer 2021

By Michael BeatonJune 16, 2021

TADLP Mobile releases second slate of new audiobooks for Soldiers in 2021
FORT EUSTIS, Virginia – The Army Distributed Learning Division (TADLP) Mobile Division has release an expanded slate of audiobooks to help Soldiers. The audiobook format is an innovative, proven way to engage a new generation of Soldiers and civilians who often prefer mobile learning methods and digital options to traditional field manuals. Initiated as a pilot program in 2019, there are today 16 titles to choose from in the audiobook format available to Soldiers on the Central Army Registry (CAR). As of March 2021 the number of audiobook downloads exceeded 110,000.
https://rdl.train.army.mil/catalog/search?current=true&search_terms=%23Audiobook (Photo Credit: Graphic by Michael Beaton, for TRADOC Public Affairs (Released).)

FORT EUSTIS, Virginia – As anyone who has been confined and isolated by COVID measures knows all too well, audiobooks have become a go-to solution for learning or simply passing time in isolation productively.

The success of the Army audiobook pilot program, launched through the efforts of the Combined Arms Doctrine Directorate (CADD) in 2019 and developed by the Mobile Division of the Army Distributed Learning Program (TADLP), means a full shelf of publications for Soldiers and leaders to choose from. With the recent release of Army Doctrine Publication (ADP) 3-19 Fires for summer 2021, the total of Army audiobooks available for download reaches 15.

Although studies have shown audiobooks to be most popular with commuters on the drive, in light of current events – COVID 19, tele-work and social distancing – Soldiers and DoD employees today are accessing audiobooks everywhere and at all hours, whether on the go through smartphones and tablets or at home on laptops and other devices.

“The Army Doctrine audiobooks, proved immensely popular with Soldiers since we published our first audiobook (Field Manual 3-0, Operations), in 2019.” said Robert Roberts, Project Manager for The Army Distributed Learning Program’s (TADLP), Mobile Division. “In the first quarter of 2021 TADLP total downloads for audiobooks exceeded 110,000” he said.

“Army doctrine audiobooks are produced from published and authenticated doctrine, abridged for the audio format.” said Maj. Chris Parker, Combined Arms Doctrine Directorate (CADD), who initiated the project in 2019.

Publications can be listened to online or downloaded by chapter, which are formatted and optimized as .mp3 files for easy download and quick access via laptops, e-Readers, tablets, smartphones and other mobile devices. The content is read by professional broadcasters, selected for their ability to read seamlessly, making the audiobook experience engaging and content easer to memorize.

“Audiobooks are ideal for delivering content like this.” said Robert Roberts, the Mobile Division Project Manager who designed, developed and programmed the audio players for multiple formats. “This new and growing library represents the first time the Army has ventured into this medium as a way of delivering Army doctrine, and the editing, the recording and voice quality of the narrators - and easy-to-use interface makes these books the Army standard for quality.”

“It's part of a wider effort to overhaul and modernize how the Army conceptualizes and trains its forces and, in doing so, catch up to what a large segment of the publishing industry has already realized: audiobooks are proven learning tools and in adopting a new medium, it’s another way the force is modernizing,” said Col. Richard Creed, director, CADD. “the audio versions aren’t designed to supplant actual books, but they are designed to allow soldiers to remain familiar with the material by listening to specific sections when they might otherwise not be able to pick up a book. “The way I see this being used is as a way for Soldiers to reinforce their knowledge of the materials.”

The most recent updated slate of released audiobooks includes:

ADP 1, The Army

ADP 2-0, Intelligence

ADP 3-0, Operations

ADP 3-05, Army Special Operations

ADP 3-07, Stability

ADP 3-19, Fires

ADP 3-28, Defense Support of Civil Authorities

ADP 3-37, Protection

ADP 3-90, Offense and Defense

ADP 4-0, Sustainment

ADP 5-0, The Operations Process

ADP 6-0, Mission Command: Command and Control of Army Forces

ADP 6-22, Army Leadership and the Profession

FM 2-0, Intelligence

FM 3-0, Operations

All Army authorized audiobooks can be accessed on any laptop or desktop computer, smartphone or tablet at https://rdl.train.army.mil/catalog/search?current=true&search_terms=%23Audiobook


Established by the Chief of Staff of the Army in 1996, the Commanding General of Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) was appointed the Executive Agent for TADLP and is the full-line authority for the centralized management and integration of the program. Located at Fort Eustis in Virginia, the TADLP Director is Ms. Helen Remily.

The Army Distributed Learning Program (TADLP), improves Army readiness by providing tailored distributed training and education to Soldiers, leaders, and Army civilians from a responsive and accessible - frequently mobile - delivery capability. Distributed Learning (DL) is a modern, proven instructional model used by the Army to deliver individual, collective and self developmental training and education anytime, anywhere. TADLP leads the way in creating user-friendly, pliant and adaptable distributed and distance learning models that leverage emerging technologies to distribute learning across an array of portable devices in a variety of formats depending on the needs of the user. To learn more about the people and facilities of TADLP visit https://tadlp.tradoc.army.mil


The U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) was created on July 1st, 1973.

For nearly half a century TRADOC has fundamentally transformed the U.S. Army into the best trained, best equipped, best led, and best organized modern land power in the world today. TRADOC shapes Army forces through four primary functions: Recruitment and Training, Leadership Development, Doctrine and Integrating Capabilities.

Headquartered at Fort Eustis, in eastern Virginia, TRADOC executes its mission through five subordinate commands and centers, U.S. Army Center of Military History, The U.S. Army Combined Arms Center (located at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas), The U.S. Army Center for Initial Military Training and the U.S. Army Recruiting Command (located at Fort Knox, Kentucky).

The command has a global perspective and oversees 32 Army schools organized under eight Centers of Excellence, each focused on a separate area of expertise within the Army (i.e. Maneuver and Signal). TRADOC trains more than 500,000 Soldiers and service members each year. To learn more about the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command visit their website at https://www.tradoc.army.mil/