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Pacific Signaleers Recognized for Supporting USARPAC Mission Readiness

By Marc AyalinJune 10, 2021

Col. Trent A. Smith, deputy commanding officer, 311th SC (T), presents certificates of appreciation from U.S. Army Pacific G-2, June 8, 2021, to Sgt. 1st Class Jeremy Crawford (middle) and Capt. Jonathan R. Tsujimura for restoring fingerprint...
1 / 3 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Col. Trent A. Smith, deputy commanding officer, 311th SC (T), presents certificates of appreciation from U.S. Army Pacific G-2, June 8, 2021, to Sgt. 1st Class Jeremy Crawford (middle) and Capt. Jonathan R. Tsujimura for restoring fingerprint capability of the Secure Web Fingerprint Transmission (SWFT) program to the USARPAC G-2 section. (Official U.S. Army photo by Marc Ayalin) (Photo Credit: Marc Ayalin) VIEW ORIGINAL
Col. Trent A. Smith (left), Capt. Jonathan R. Tsujimura (second), Sgt. 1st Class Jeremy Crawford (third) and Sgt. Maj. James W. Van Zlike (right) pose, June 8, 2021, after an awards presentation. Tsujimura and Crawford both received certificates...
2 / 3 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Col. Trent A. Smith (left), Capt. Jonathan R. Tsujimura (second), Sgt. 1st Class Jeremy Crawford (third) and Sgt. Maj. James W. Van Zlike (right) pose, June 8, 2021, after an awards presentation. Tsujimura and Crawford both received certificates of appreciation from U.S. Army Pacific G-2 for restoring fingerprint capability of the Secure Web Fingerprint Transmission (SWFT) program to the USARPAC G-2 section. (Official U.S. Army photo by Marc Ayalin) (Photo Credit: Marc Ayalin) VIEW ORIGINAL
Sgt. Maj. James W. Van Zlike (left), G-3, 311th SC (T), reads the certificates of appreciation from U.S. Army Pacific G-2, June 8, 2021, to Sgt. 1st Class Jeremy Crawford (middle) and Capt. Jonathan R. Tsujimura for restoring fingerprint...
3 / 3 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Sgt. Maj. James W. Van Zlike (left), G-3, 311th SC (T), reads the certificates of appreciation from U.S. Army Pacific G-2, June 8, 2021, to Sgt. 1st Class Jeremy Crawford (middle) and Capt. Jonathan R. Tsujimura for restoring fingerprint capability of the Secure Web Fingerprint Transmission (SWFT) program to the USARPAC G-2 section. (Official U.S. Army photo by Marc Ayalin) (Photo Credit: Marc Ayalin) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT SHAFTER, Hawaii – Soldiers from the 311th Signal Command (Theater) were recognized in June for their support in sustaining regional mission capability for U.S. Army Pacific (USARPAC).

Capt. Jonathan R. Tsujimura, special security officer, G-2 and Sgt. 1st Class Jeremy Crawford, information technology supervisor, Information Management Office, both received certificates of appreciation from USARPAC G-2 for outstanding support in restoring fingerprint capability of the Secure Web Fingerprint Transmission (SWFT) program to the USARPAC G-2 section. The restoration played a key factor in maintaining USARPAC’s national security mission.

“The SWFT program enables cleared Department of Defense industry users to submit electronic fingerprints and demographic information through SWFT to the Defense Counterintelligence Security Agency's (DCSA) Fingerprint Transaction System for individuals who require an investigation by the DCSA for a personnel security clearance,” Tsujimura said.

The process of restoring the fingerprint capability began with software installation by Crawford. Upon successful completion of the software installation, Tsujimura assisted with technical issues in getting the software operational. According to Tsujimura, the SWFT program is an intrinsic part of ensuring investigations are processed in a timely manner.

“Fingerprints are used as part of the investigation, adjudication, and hiring processes to verify a person's eligibility for a positions and security clearances,” Tsujimura said. “If an individual cannot complete their fingerprint requirement, their clearance eligibility process will be halted or the individual may not be considered for a hiring position.”

For 311th SC (T) leadership, the Soldiers’ efforts are perfect example of the command’s continued efforts in supporting the DoD Information Network in the Indo-Pacific Command region.