ARCCD Pushes Hard to Help Recovering Soldiers Find Their Dream Job

By D.P. TaylorMay 14, 2021

ARCCD helps Soldiers navigate the system when seeking employment.
ARCCD helps Soldiers navigate the system when seeking employment. (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

ARLINGTON, Va. — Leaving the Army without employment lined up is a nerve-racking experience for any Soldier. But thanks to the professionals at the Army Recovery Care Program, participants at Soldier Recovery Units have a huge advantage.

In one recent case, a warrant officer reached out to a recovery care coordinator (RCC) in need of employment after being separated from service last July and placed on the temporary disability retired list.

The warrant officer was hoping to continue to work in aviation as an instructor pilot and instrumental flight examiner and he successfully completed a flight physical. Unfortunately, he found out it would take six to eight months to get clearance and realized he would need a job sooner than that to support his family.

Two ARCP components — Army Recovery Care Coordination Directorate and Career and Education Readiness — immediately stepped in to work with third-party organizations and agencies to help solve the Soldier's problem.

Roberta Berry, career and education readiness action officer with the Army Recovery Care Program, assisted with the warrant officer's case. She said this is one of many things the program is able to do on behalf of recovering Soldiers who are wondering what’s next after life in the Army.

"My role is outreach ... whether through internship or apprenticeship, whether federal or private sector," she said. "I help them navigate through the system."

While ARCP does not work directly with employers, they can connect Soldiers with third-party organizations and agencies who can find those job openings. Within ARCCD, the RCCs have implemented a process that helps a Soldier participate in an expedited referral through federal employers. They use what is known as the Army Warrior Care and Transition System database to match Soldiers with a career that suits them.

"When the RCC gets in touch with me, they'll say, 'Ms. Berry, I have a Soldier transitioning out of the Army and he is seeking employment in a particular area,'" she said. "They tell me what field of work they want to go into and where they want to live."

From there, the RCC creates a request in AWCTS and gathers the necessary documents, including a resume and a DD-214 form, which provides military service records. Berry reviews the information and begins the process of matching them with an employer.

"It's up to the employer to determine if they'll interview the person or outright pick them for the job," Berry said.

The warrant officer in this case was successful, obtaining federal employment at Schofield Barracks in Hawaii.