Workforce development fosters mission-ready employees

By Ethan Steinquest, Fort Campbell CourierApril 30, 2021

Michelle Ashby, Fort Campbell Sexual Assault Response coordinator, delivers a face-to-face training course on Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP) April 22 during a Training Stand Up Day at Wilson Theater. Training Stand Up...
Michelle Ashby, Fort Campbell Sexual Assault Response coordinator, delivers a face-to-face training course on Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP) April 22 during a Training Stand Up Day at Wilson Theater. Training Stand Up Days, a streamlined system for delivering the Army’s required training courses. Sessions cover topics such as threat awareness, personal readiness and substance abuse prevention. (Photo Credit: Ethan Steinquest) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT CAMPBELL, Ky. – Fort Campbell’s civilian employees have to be adaptive, responsive and mission-ready to serve Soldiers and Families, and the Directorate of Plans, Training, Mobilization and Security, or DPTMS, offers several first-class workforce development programs to meet those needs.

From specialized leadership training to local development initiatives, those programs work hand-in-hand to create a more skilled and connected workforce.

“What we’re trying to build here is a world-class organization,” said Leslie Herlick, training program coordinator, DPTMS. “This whole realm of workforce development goes toward strengthening our supervisors, strengthening our employees and strengthening our workforce so we can support Soldiers and Families to the best of our abilities, because that’s what we’re all here for.”

One of DPTMS’s major initiatives is the Recharging Our Workforce, or ROW, series that brings in attendees from across the garrison, Blanchfield Army Community Hospital and Army Field Support Bat-talion-Campbell.

“We do a training needs assessment and essentially solicit the workforce to see what they want or feel they need assistance with,” said Dana Prins, training technician, Training Integration Branch, DPTMS. “After that, we’ll build a year of one employee class and one supervisor class to try and address some of those issues. There are some repeat ones we’ll have year after year, and it’s not solely based on what the workforce wants, but that’s a large piece of it.”

DPTMS also takes Fort Campbell’s leaders’ goals into account when building a ROW series, Herlick said, so some topics are consistent from year to year. Some examples of ROW topics include: Influence Without Authority; Emotional Intelligence and Team Dynamics; Team Dysfunction: Absence of Trust; Personalities in Conflict and Peace; Conflict Resolution in the Workplace; and TSP. Some of the ROW Supervisor Series topics include: When Leadership and Management Collide; Leaders Eat Last; DPMAP; The 5 Levels of Leadership; Leading Yourself First; and Generations in the Workplace.

Hands-on experience

For a more hands-on experience, Fort Campbell offers three development programs: Local Develop-mental Assignment Program, or LDAP, Garrison Mentoring Program, or GMP, and Job Shadowing Pro-gram, or JSP.

“All three of those programs are separate from each other, but they’re within the same realm,” Prins said. “An employee can delve into another directorate or job to gain experience doing something that their job isn’t focused on.”

LDAP provides participants with an opportunity to work in another job for 30 to 90 days, which helps develop multifunctional employees and connect different directorates. For instance, if a police officer who works for the Directorate of Emergency Services completes a degree in human resources, he may want to gain experience in that field at a different directorate within the garrison through LDAP, Prins said.

Similarly, JSP allows participants to directly shadow another worker for two weeks while GMP pairs employees with a senior leader mentor for one year. All three professional development programs are available year-round.

“They’re working [in a completely different environment] for a certain amount of time,” Herlick said. “It’s a cooperative experience where the employee goes and learns new skills, then they bring those skills back to their current position.”

Training, building leaders

Employees from each directorate also can connect at Training Stand Up Days, a streamlined system for delivering the Army’s required training courses. Sessions cover topics such as threat awareness, personal readiness and substance abuse prevention.

“We developed Training Stand Up Days a few years ago as a way to knock out all the mandatory training in one session,” Herlick said. “It ends up being very streamlined and popular for the workforce, be-cause you only have to go to one session and get it done.”

Building leadership skills is another priority for DPTMS, and both the Resident Supervisor Development Course, or RSDC, and Leadership Fort Campbell 2.0, or LFC 2.0, play a part.

RSDC is hosted in conjunction with the Civilian Personnel Advisory Center and includes leadership and human resources focused classes. The program is a localized version of the Supervisory Development Course required across the Army, Prins said.

LFC 2.0 is a yearly professional development course that brings together civilian employees of all grade levels from across the garrison to solve problems using Army Design Methodology, which is a method of applying conceptual, critical and creative thinking to understand, visualize and describe problems and approaches to solving them.

This year’s LFC 2.0 cohort was tasked with evaluating how the Directorate of Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation should continue supporting Soldiers and Families in the years to come and finished their project in March.

“When you look at the competencies that are integrated through LFC 2.0, we’re getting at a ready force,” said Scott Galbraith, chief of Training Integration, DPTMS. “We’re supporting professional development, we’re getting after the diversity that we need in terms of conceptual critical thinking, and these experiences they can take back and influence within their organizations.”

The conceptual, critical and creative thinking driving LFC 2.0 has helped Fort Campbell’s workforce in several ways, including the creation of the Civilian Employee One Stop Shop.

Workers can visit the Civilian Employee One Stop Shop online to apply for professional development programs, keep track of ROW series classes and mandatory training dates and access a variety of useful documents.

“Our workforce development program is a model for the rest of Installation Management Command,” Herlick said. “If we’re helping the Soldiers here, that’s what they’re doing at Fort Riley or at the Sierra Army Depot in California. We don’t mind sharing because we’re all here for the same purpose … if our workforce is happy and better developed, they’re going to provide better services to our Soldiers and Families.”

To review these programs, visit the Employee One-Stop Shop on the Fort Campbell Intranet or at