WASHINGTON – The U.S. Army released ALARACT 029/2021 today, providing an update allowing the optional wear of insignia and accoutrements on the Class B Army Green Service Uniform and Tropical Dress Variations.
ALARACT 029/2021 authorizes the wear of insignia and accoutrements on the Class B uniform and prescribes wear of the AGSU Tropical Dress variation – additions to the current guidance. The ALARACT also includes an informational slide presentation for Soldiers and leaders.
“Army senior leadership agreed that Soldiers throughout the Army should have the option to wear insignia and accoutrements on the AGSU Class B,” said Sgt. Maj. Brian Sanders, the Army G-1 uniform policy sergeant major.

The Tropical Dress Variation is primarily intended for Soldiers in hot climates and serves as the alternative for the Class A uniform. Local commanders will determine when their Soldiers wear this uniform variant.
“Soldiers should refer to ALARACT 029/2021for specific guidance and utilize DA PAM 670-1 (26 JAN 2021) for specifics on authorized items and composition of the uniform,” said Sanders.
The Army routinely examines its policies to ensure they meet the needs of the force. Grooming and pride in one’s uniform directly impact discipline and personal readiness, which affects unit readiness. This is yet another way the Army is working to improve the lives of our force by putting people first.
Army Regulation 670-1 and DA PAM 670-1 govern uniform wear and appearance.
For more information, please contact Lt. Col. Junel Jeffrey, HQDA G-1 Public Affairs Officer at
TAB B - AGSU Class B Slides.pdf [PDF - 961.5 KB]
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