People person skills and a call to serve led First Sergeant to dream career

By Julie KelemenMarch 4, 2021

Former First Sergeant brings people skills and a passion for people to SHARP program
Malcolm Scales, a Cargo Specialist at the 597th Transportation Bde. applied for a job as a Department of the Army civilian at his old unit after he retired from the military. As a victim advocate at 597th Transportation Brigade in Joint Base Langley-Eustis, he is focused on supporting people who have experienced trauma and on growing the SHARP program. (Photo Credit: Courtesy) VIEW ORIGINAL

JOINT BASE LANGLEY-EUSTIS, Va. March 4, 2021 — Malcolm Scales, a victim advocate here didn't think an obligatory duty would lead to a full-time job after he got out, until he realized the impact he could make.

“I have always had a passion for being able to assist people who may find themselves in a dangerous situation, like sexual assault or harassment and helping them through a very traumatic time,” Scales said.

Scales came to Fort Eustis as a Cargo Specialist in 2008. He was assigned to the 597th Transportation Bde. as a training noncommissioned officer, then as an operations noncommissioned officer in charge.

“Being a leader in the Army taught me to be strict when I needed to be, but I realized when I needed to empathize. It helped me get where I am at today because this job requires a lot of empathy.” Scales said.

One of the last duties he had as an enlisted Soldier was as a sexual assault response coordinator. The enormous responsibility was thrown at him in the last two years of his Army career, when most Soldiers are focused on transitioning into civilian life.

“At first, I didn’t know if I would have enough time to fully dedicate myself to the position, but it worked out for the best because I enjoyed the job and I developed a greater passion for helping people,” Scales said.

When he retired from the military, his first job was a victim advocate at Fort McNair with the U.S. Army Air Operations Group near Washington, D.C. For a while, he commuted from the Hampton Roads area weekly.

When the victim advocate position opened here, it was the perfect opportunity for him to come home in more ways than one. Living closer to home also provided more free time to pursue more of his dreams, like owning a business.

Scales learned how to DJ when he was 16 and co-founded an events-based company that allows him to keep doing what he loves in his free time.

“My mission is to keep helping people, whether it is being there for them during a traumatic time, or celebrating with them on festive occasions like weddings, birthdays and retirements, I am a people person.”