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Leader Self-Development Tool customizes ‘action plan’ for improvement

By Randi Stenson, Mission Command Center of Excellence Public AffairsFebruary 23, 2021

Leader Self-Development Tool
The Center for the Army Profession and Leadership's Leader Self-Development Tool is available to Soldiers and Civilians from any computer or mobile device. The tool uses Project Athena assessment results to create an action plan and link the user to self-improvement resources. (Photo Credit: Randi Stenson, MCCoE Public Affairs) VIEW ORIGINAL

Resources to guide personal and professional self-development are just a click away with the new Center for the Army Profession and Leadership “Project Athena Leader Self-Development Tool.” Designed to support the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command's Project Athena assessments program, the online tool links individuals to more than 500 leadership resources to support individual development needs.

The Leader Self-Development Tool offers users a platform to integrate and take action on their Project Athena assessments. Project Athena is a leader development program designed to provide feedback on leadership skills, capabilities and tendencies. This feedback promotes self-awareness, which if acted upon, can contribute to behavioral change and improved self-development.

“The easy part of Project Athena is pointing to a specific assessment result and telling students where they need more work,” said CAPL Director Col. Sam Saine. “The hard part is connecting people with the right resources to help them improve. That, coupled with effective counseling and coaching from cadre, is what will separate Project Athena from other leader development programs we’ve seen in the past.”

Instructions provided with the online tool lead the user through a series of steps. First is reflection and input of assessment results; second is determining what areas to work on. The third step requires using this information, plus answers to a series of questions, to create a customized action plan. At this point, the user can download or save the action plan, along with the supporting resources recommended by the program. Resources include links to doctrine, articles, interactive modules, handbooks, e-books and more.

Step one Leader Self-Development Tool
1 / 4 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Step one in using the Leader Self-Development Tool is "reflect on and input your assessment results." (Photo Credit: Graphic credit U.S. Army Center for the Army Profession and Leadership) VIEW ORIGINAL
Step two Leader Self-Development Tool
2 / 4 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Step two in using the tool is determining the areas you want to work on. (Photo Credit: Graphic courtesy U.S. Army Center for the Army Profession and Leadership) VIEW ORIGINAL
Step three Leader Self-Development Tool
3 / 4 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Step three is creating your customized action plan for self-improvement. (Photo Credit: Graphic courtesy U.S. Army Center for the Army Profession and Leadership) VIEW ORIGINAL
Step four Leader Self-Development Tool
4 / 4 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Step four is accessing learning resources to support self-development. (Photo Credit: Graphic courtesy U.S. Army Center for the Army Profession and Leadership) VIEW ORIGINAL

Currently, the self-development tool is designed to support students already participating in Project Athena: Basic Officer Leaders Courses, Captains Career Courses, and the Command and General Staff Officers’ Course. The design and the resources affiliated with this tool will grow as the other cohorts (Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development System, Warrant Officer Education System and Civilian Education System) are added to the Project Athena program.

Soldiers and Civilians who have not yet participated in Project Athena in their professional military education should not feel left out. The program’s self-development resources are searchable and accessible by subject area for anyone who is looking for self-improvement.

“The Leader Self-Development Tool makes feedback actionable so it will make a difference,” said Saine. “It provides direct recommendations and resources tailored to an individual’s assessment results and helps students focus their efforts where most needed.”

To access the Project Athena Leader Self-Development Tool, visit