TRADOC: The Assignment of Choice

By David Overson, TRADOC Communication DirectorateJanuary 29, 2021

A U.S. Army Soldier is promoted to the rank of Lt. Col.
A U.S. Army Soldier is promoted to the rank of Lt. Col.

(Photo Credit: Courtesy Photo)

FORT EUSTIS, Va. – With the recent career progression changes in the Army via the Active Duty Officer Assignment Interactive Module Version 2.0, or AIM 2, now more than ever, Army officers are able to set their own path and choose their next assignment.

So, some of the questions many may ask themselves are: What’s best for my family? What is the best location? Where will I enjoy my daily routine best? And, what assignment will be best for my career progression? The answers may be surprising to some, but the evidence is clear, the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command is a great choice for career progression.

On the recently released Fiscal Year 2022 Lieutenant Colonel Active Competitive Category Centralized Selection List, TRADOC was well represented! Of the 422 Lieutenant Colonels and promotable Majors selected to command, 320 (76 percent) previously served in TRADOC units with 54 (13 percent) presently serving in TRADOC units, and 43 serving in a repeat broadening assignment.

What does this mean? Army officers who spend some of their formative years at TRADOC units are likely to be chosen for battalion command.

“While serving as a planner within TRADOC Headquarters, I gained an appreciation for the importance of strong writing and communication,” said Maj. Julio Reyes, a plans analyst with TRADOC. “I was afforded the opportunity to prepare and brief the TRADOC commanding general, deputy commanding general, and general officer/senior executive service leadership on many occasions. The experience gained from going through that process really helped prepare me for my upcoming role as a battalion commander.”

An assignment with a TRADOC unit provides an institutional understanding of the Army and all the important missions TRADOC executes and gives Soldiers a broad skill-set that is generally well served in command assignments.

“I believe that being assigned to TRADOC gave me the opportunity to gain a greater appreciation of what TRADOC does for the Army,” Reyes added.

In November, the Army held the second iteration of the Battalion Commander Assessment Program (BCAP) for officers who were eligible for consideration in the Fiscal Year 2022 Colonels Active Competitive Category CLS board.

The program is a five-day assessment to determine officers’ readiness for command and strategic potential. The results of BCAP inform the selection of officers for battalion-level command and key billet staff positions. Once again, many of those chosen spent time in TRADOC units.

If you’re an Active Duty Army Officer looking for your next career broadening assignment, keep TRADOC in mind and discuss your options with your career/branch manager. You may also want to visit:

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