Ready for COVID vaccine

By Janice Erdlitz, Lyster Army Health ClinicJanuary 12, 2021

The Moderna COVID-19 vaccine continues to roll out at Lyster Army Health Clinic as part of the DoD Phase 1 distribution plan. Team members have been implementing the vaccination plan to inoculate identified critical medical staff, first responders, and other critical and essential support staff.

Marcetta Chancey, a Clinical Nurse Practitioner in Behavioral Health at Lyster, was among the first to roll up her sleeve at the opportunity to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.

Chancey was diagnosed with breast cancer on February 25, 2020. She battled through 2020 concerned about contracting COVID-19 in her immunocompromised state. “I picked a fine time for cancer during a global pandemic," remarked Chancey. From March till November, Chancey went to "doctors’ appointments, had chemotherapy, went bald, and had several surgeries". She had not been to a single store, restaurant, or visited friends or family since the pandemic began as she practiced social distancing in her fight against COVID.

Chancey continued to explain why she choose to get vaccinated, "I am still in active treatment for cancer with a compromised immune system. I will do everything I can to protect myself from this deadly virus. I did not let cancer keep me down or from doing my job. I will not let the COVID-19 virus either!"

The Army remains committed to supporting the acting Secretary of Defense’s priorities during the COVID-19 pandemic to protect its people, maintain readiness and support the national COVID-19 response. Receiving the vaccine protects yourself, your community, and our nation.

Lyster commander, Lt. Col. Danielle Rodondi, explained, "Vaccines are one of the most effective tools to protect your health and prevent disease.” The CDC recommends a combination of getting vaccinated and following safety recommendations – face coverings, handwashing, and physical distancing – to achieve the best protection from COVID-19 and to help lower the public health risks associated with the pandemic. Community members should maintain safety procedures to prevent complacency in COVID-19 mitigation efforts. “We are dedicated to providing the latest information about the vaccines available, as it is released, including the benefits and risks of a vaccine so that you can make an informed decision for yourself and your loved ones,” continued Rodondi.

Chancey concluded by encouraging personnel to "Get vaccinated".

Marcetta Chancey, a Clinical Nurse Practitioner in Behavioral Health at Lyster, was among the first to raise her hand at the opportunity to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.
Marcetta Chancey, a Clinical Nurse Practitioner in Behavioral Health at Lyster, was among the first to raise her hand at the opportunity to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. (Photo Credit: Photo provided.) VIEW ORIGINAL

LAHC's medical team encourages those who are hesitant about getting the vaccine to discuss their concerns with medical professionals or find out more information on the CDC and other government websites. Additional resources to learn about COVID19 visit, the following websites. vaccines/faq.html
