System functionality is key purpose of Developer Integration Test

By Justin CreechDecember 17, 2020

Lt. Col. Brian Hollandsworth is the IPPS-A Release 3, Design and Development Lead. Hollandsworth is excited for the Developer Integration Test as it is the first time he and the R3 team get a chance to see the system’s full functionality.
Lt. Col. Brian Hollandsworth is the IPPS-A Release 3, Design and Development Lead. Hollandsworth is excited for the Developer Integration Test as it is the first time he and the R3 team get a chance to see the system’s full functionality. (Photo Credit: Michael Danko) VIEW ORIGINAL

Arlington, VA – The Integrated Personnel and Pay System – Army’s (IPPS-A) Release 3 team continues to meet program timelines with the formal kickoff for Developer Integration Test (DIT) held November 17, 2020.

The DIT is a series of tests conducted by the System Integrator (SI) to test the end-to-end functionality of the system. DIT will run until April of 2021. The kickoff meeting allowed all members of the triad to clarify execution of the testing and ensure all parties had an understanding of the way ahead.

IPPS-A will be live across the entire force in December of 2021.

“There are three phases to Developer Integration Testing,” said Lt. Col. Brian Hollandsworth, IPPS-A Release 3, Design and Development Lead. “So, we discussed the timeline for each phase, and the specifics of how each phase works.”

Phase one of DIT includes regression testing as the SI moves Release 3 to down the higher environment, which means the system is progressing through the process flow chart. Phases two and three focus on execution of operational scenarios developed with external partners. Regression testing is when the system is used in ways it isn’t designed to function. The purpose is to ensure the system’s security system works.

Phase two also assesses disaster recovery, which is the system’s ability to withstand external threats and minimize disruption to access. Phase 3 consists of testing and validating of inbound and outbound interfaces.

Testing is completed with operational mission scenarios (OMS). While SI testers execute the scenarios, members of the build team and external partners verify test results, including whether or not the results were expected.

“We’ll review those outputs and provide feedback,” said Chief Warrant Officer 3 Heather Kerns, IPPS-A Release 3, Test Officer. “If the scenarios go as expected, great. If there’s a defect detected, we’ll be able to figure out its cause and tell the SI how to fix it.”

DIT testing is a step forward from Product Level Testing (PLT), which concluded in September 2020. The main function of PLT is to confirm the system contains each design requirement. With DIT, testers and developers get to see how each requirement functions.

“This is the first test where all build is complete,” said Hollandsworth. “This is the first time we can see how each portion works together.”

Testing each design requirement will show the build team where the system needs improvement. After the completion of DIT, IPPS-A transitions to another round of complete testing. System Integration Testing begins in early summer of 2021, so having the system functioning as effectively as possible is a goal for the build team.

“DIT ties the functionality of the system together,” said Hollandsworth. “we test how an assignment affects an order, which affects a profile, so on and so forth. It’s our chance to see what we did right in design phase, but also work through any defects that need to be fixed.”