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RSS, 2CR remains committed to US-German alliance

By 1st Lt. Connor CoombesSeptember 2, 2020

The leaders of the Regimental Support Squadron, 2d Cavalry Regiment, and its partner town of Hahnbach, Germany, exchange gifts at the Frohnberg restaurant Aug. 12, 2020. Their meeting marked the first event between RSS and Hahnbach since the...
1 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – The leaders of the Regimental Support Squadron, 2d Cavalry Regiment, and its partner town of Hahnbach, Germany, exchange gifts at the Frohnberg restaurant Aug. 12, 2020. Their meeting marked the first event between RSS and Hahnbach since the squadron's change of command ceremony in Vilseck, Germany, July 20, 2020. (Photo Credit: 1st Lt. Connor Coombes) VIEW ORIGINAL
The leaders of the Regimental Support Squadron, 2d Cavalry Regiment, and its partner town of Hahnbach, Germany converse at the Frohnberg restaurant near Hahnbach, Germany, Aug. 12, 2020. Their meeting marked the first event between RSS and...
2 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – The leaders of the Regimental Support Squadron, 2d Cavalry Regiment, and its partner town of Hahnbach, Germany converse at the Frohnberg restaurant near Hahnbach, Germany, Aug. 12, 2020. Their meeting marked the first event between RSS and Hahnbach since the squadron's change of command ceremony in Vilseck, Germany, July 20, 2020. (Photo Credit: 1st Lt. Connor Coombes) VIEW ORIGINAL

A quaint restaurant on a secluded hill in a rural Bavarian town recently served as the backdrop for an important meeting, between the leaders of an American unit stationed nearby and the leaders of their German partner community.

Known as “Frohnberg” by the residents of the nearby town of Hahnbach, Germany, the venue has typically been crowded in the past prior to the spread of COVID-19 and is revered by locals as the site of a small German fest, the Frohnbergfest. However, on the evening of Aug. 12, 2020, the restaurant served as an introductory dinner and meeting between two enthusiastic parties, the command team of the Regimental Support Squadron, 2d Cavalry Regiment, and the leaders and deputy mayors of the Hahnbach, the unit’s partner community.

Having assumed command of the squadron only a few weeks earlier, U.S. Army Lt. Col. Christopher Richardson, squadron commander, assigned to RSS, 2CR, ensured that strengthening the rapport with host nation partners, both to the civilian community and to the squadron’s partner unit, was among his foremost priorities. Through coordination by a garrison outreach coordinator, Franz Zeilmann, Hahnbach Mayor Bernhard Lindner attended Richardson’s change of command ceremony as an esteemed guest.

“The mayors were very excited to meet the RSS command team, despite the current circumstances with COVID," said Zeilmann about the event. "I’m confident that they will enjoy many opportunities like this in the future. It’s great that the new commander wants to continue the partnership, especially with Hahnbach turning 900 years old next year."

Richardson and Command Sgt. Maj. Willie Allen, senior enlisted advisor, RSS, 2CR, along with their wives, met with Lindner and Deputy Mayor Eva Hoellerer and Deputy Mayor Georg Goetz, along with their spouses. Each side presented the other with gifts from their respective organizations.

“We remain committed to our local partners and to our relationship with Germany,” said Richardson on how leaders in the regiment continue to demonstrate their commitments to strengthening the NATO alliance and fostering good rapport with host nation neighbors.

Leaders from the squadron look forward to continuing the fruitful arrangement with Hahnbach. In September, the son of Deputy Mayor Hoellerer participated in the squadron’s Spur Ride, a tradition among U.S. Army cavalry units.

“The dinner was just a great first step toward all the exciting things we look forward to taking part in together,” said Richardson.