By Tisha Swart-Entwistle
Combined Arms Center-Training Public Affairs
Combined Arms Center-Training (CAC-T) Deputy Commander Col. Charles Lombardo hosted a retirement ceremony for CAC-T Sgt. Maj. James Scullion Sept. 25 at the Frontier Chapel, Fort Leavenworth, Kan.
“Today we want to take a few moments to say thanks for the thirty-plus years of exceptional service to our nation,” Lombardo said. “Sergeant Major Scullion has made a tremendous impact while here at CAC-T.”
Lombardo said that Scullion’s advocacy was instrumental in the delivery of training management tools like the Digital Job Book and Small Unit Leader Tool.
“We’ve appreciated how you have advocated for the Soldiers to build a sense of urgency to get that to them,” Lombardo said.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the in-person audience for the retirement was limited but the ceremony was streamed live via the CAC-T Facebook page. Two previous CAC-T deputy commanding generals that Scullion had served under watched the virtual ceremony and sent remarks for Lombardo to read during the ceremony.
Lombardo said that Maj. Gen. Maria Gervais wrote that if it wasn’t for COVID-19, she definitely would have been at the ceremony.
“I couldn’t have asked for a better battle buddy. The epitome of a non-commissioned officer, a leader, a friend - not afraid to roll up his sleeves to help or tell the team what they needed to hear versus what they wanted to hear,” Gervais wrote.
Gervais served as the CAC-T deputy commanding general from 2016 to 2019 and is now the Synthetic Training Environment Cross Functional Team (STE-CFT) Director for the Army Futures Command. The STE-CFT pilot program began in 2017 under Gervais’ and Scullion’s leadership before the program moved to Army Futures Command.
“From the entire STE-CFT, thank you for your service and your advocacy for STE,” Gervais wrote.
Lombardo also read remarks from Brig. Gen. Retired Stephen L.A. Michael who was the CAC-T deputy commanding general from 2019 to May 2020.
“Thanks for the leading, loving and serving of our Soldiers,” Michael wrote. “(Thank you) for your tremendous impact on the discipline and morale of this organization and for relentlessly advocating for our Soldiers and civilians. You made us all better - better thinkers, better leaders, better people.”
Scullion enlisted in the Army in 1988. He attended Basic Training at Fort Dix, N.J. and Engineer Advanced Individual Training at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo.. During his 32 years of service, Scullion has served with several different engineer battalions and as an instructor at the U.S. Army Sergeants Major Academy.
Because Scullion served as a Command Sgt. Maj. in two previous assignments, he retired with that rank. He served as a CSM for the 2nd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division and 181st Infantry Brigade and in 2018 he arrived at CAC-T to serve as the senior enlisted advisor.
Scullion said he was going to head home to Texas and spend some time with his family before starting his next job as a high school JROTC instructor.
“I will be in charge of the marksmanship program and I’m looking forward to that,” Scullion said.
Recognizing his wife Donna and their 28 years of marriage, Scullion said she is the true rock of the family.
“I have loved our journey together and I’m looking forward to where we go next,” Scullion said. “I wouldn’t be standing here today without your love and friendship.”
Scullion also recognized his four children and the sacrifices they made during his time in the Army.
“It’s truly been a blessing and an honor to serve this many years alongside the best of what America has to offer - our Soldiers and their families,” Scullion said.
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