Random COVID-19 testing helps Eighth Army protect the force

By Kenji ThuloweitAugust 14, 2020

A medical professional from the 65th Medical Brigade conducts a nasal swab on an Eighth Army civilian employee who was randomly selected for Eighth Army COVID-19 Surveillance Testing Aug. 6 on Camp Humphreys, South Korea. (U.S. Army photo)
A medical professional from the 65th Medical Brigade conducts a nasal swab on an Eighth Army civilian employee who was randomly selected for Eighth Army COVID-19 Surveillance Testing Aug. 6 on Camp Humphreys, South Korea. (U.S. Army photo) (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

In addition to testing both inbound and outbound personnel, Eighth Army randomly selects Soldiers and civilians assigned to its units for COVID-19 testing.

Eighth Army COVID-19 Surveillance Testing began in mid-June across the peninsula. With about 1,500 random tests conducted, zero personnel have tested positive.

“Approximately 250 or so are tested each week, some weeks more and some less,” said Col. Alan Davis, 65th Medical Brigade surgeon. “We are trying to keep a handle on any COVID cases that might be developing off-post or not associated with travel or (permanent change of station) moves.”

Davis added that a percentage of each major subordinate command is randomly selected each week and anyone assigned to an Eighth Army unit can be called for testing. If someone tests positive they will be notified and then a contact trace will be conducted.

Corporal An, Seung-hyun, a Korean Augmentation To the United States Army Soldier on Camp Humphreys, showed up to work on Tuesday to find out he was randomly selected to get a COVID-19 test. The email came from his company. On Thursday, An reported to the designated testing location, checked in and a cotton swab was placed up his nose by a 65th Medical Brigade professional.

“It was weird, a weird experience,” An said. “I don’t think I have a reason to worry. I’m totally safe. It’s a unique experience, it’s not fun, but it’s unique.”

Eighth Army COVID-19 Surveillance Testing is aimed at protecting the force and will be conducted for the foreseeable future.