Fort Knox officials remind residents, employees about firearms regulations

By Eric PilgrimAugust 5, 2020

Fort Knox officials remind residents, employees about firearms regulations as rhetoric heats up
Senior leaders at Fort Knox are reminding personnel and residents to know the regulations that address the registration, transport and storage of firearms on post. The regulations in question are Army Regulation 190-11 and Fort Knox regulation 190-11. (Photo Credit: Eric Pilgrim, Fort Knox News) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT KNOX, Ky. — Senior leaders at Fort Knox are reminding personnel and residents to know the regulations that address the registration, transport and storage of firearms on post. The regulations in question are Army Regulation 190-11 and Fort Knox regulation 190-11.

“Privately owned firearms will be transported in vehicles only while traveling in a direct route to and from hunting areas, dog training areas, target ranges, or other locations authorized by the [senior commander],” states AR 190-11. “No stops are authorized.”

The Fort Knox regulation allows residents to transport firearms to their residences and some variations in the route. For instance, “stops may be made at the Post Exchange, the Shoppette(s), and the Hunt Control facilities. Weapons will not be removed from the vehicle during these stops. No other stops are authorized.”

Jamie Desroachers, physical security officer for the Fort Knox Directorate of Emergency Services, said those who violate the regulations pertaining to firearms can be subject to stiff penalties, even on the first offense.

“There is no three-strikes-and-you're-out policy. Residents can be subject to criminal prosecution and barred from post for violations,” said Desroachers. “Firearms can be confiscated as evidence.”

There are no distinctions made between rifles and pistols, he continued.

According to the Fort Knox regulation, those who wish to transport firearms through the gates at Fort Knox are required to register them in the Welcome Center located at Chaffee Gate. They are then responsible for declaring them at an entrance gate each time they bring the firearm on post, presenting gate guards with a picture ID and the firearms permit as well as the purpose for bringing the firearm on post.

“The carrying of a loaded firearm in a vehicle is prohibited,” states AR 190-11. “Privately owned firearms carried in a vehicle will be secured in the trunk. For vehicles without a trunk, firearms will be encased in a container other than the glove compartment and carried in such a manner that they will not be readily available to the driver or passengers.”

Those transporting firearms on post are required to keep them out of plain view and store the ammunition in a different location from the firearm.

Desroachers said the best way to ensure safe transport and storage of firearms is to install a trigger lock on them. The trigger lock prevents anybody from getting hold of the trigger, which also ensures a firearm that is inadvertently left with a round in the chamber will not accidentally discharge.

He also encouraged personnel to know local, county and state laws of those locations surrounding Fort Knox to which firearms might be transport.

“It is the responsibility of all gun owners to be aware of the laws, regulations and policies for where they live,” said Desroachers. “Additionally, it is the unit commanders’ responsibility to post applicable local regulations and state and local law information on ownership, registration and possession of firearms and ammunition on unit bulletin boards. All personnel will be made aware of changes.”


Editor’s Note: For more detailed instructions from AR 190-11 and Fort Knox regulation 190-11, visit the Fort Knox official website page on Access Control at .