Fort Leavenworth Education Center adjusts for pandemic

By Bob Kerr and Katie PetersonJuly 9, 2020

FORT LEAVENWORTH, Kansas (July 9, 2020) -- Fort Leavenworth Army Education Center, 120 Dickman Ave., is preparing for fall courses as the COVID-19 pandemic continues.

“We are planning to be virtual for the fall term, but it all depends on the (commanding general’s) guidance,” said Tom Kelly, Army Continuing Education Services officer. “Right now, the number of (COVID-19) cases is not decreasing, so we anticipate that we’ll continue to be virtual for a while.

“We’re handling every customer service issue virtually that we can via e-mail or phone conversation,” he said. “The more complex things are or the things that take a little longer, we’re scheduling face-to-face appointments.”

The colleges and universities represented at the Education Center, like other educational institutions, ended the schoolyear with virtual classes, but Kelly said it wasn’t a difficult transition because some of the classes already work in virtual situations like the Barton Community College courses that combine with Fort Riley, Kan.

“Technology has always been there, we’ve been using it,” Kelly said. “We just used it on a larger scale than we were in the past.”

Once the year was over, the Education Center also put together a virtual graduation ceremony that was released June 8.

In all, 170 graduates — 27 from Barton Community College, 29 from Upper Iowa University, 66 from Central Michigan University and 49 from Webster University — were honored.

Graduates who participated in the University of Kansas and Kansas State University programs had the opportunity to participate in those universities’ ceremonies.

Degrees ranged from associate degrees, bachelor of arts and bachelor of science degrees and master of arts and master of science degrees.

The virtual ceremony was a combined effort of the Fort Leavenworth Garrison, participating college directors and staff and Army Continuing Education Services staff.

“We received praise from (Installation Management Command),” Kelly said. “(IMCOM is) definitely happy with the project.”

The virtual ceremony included recorded remarks from Garrison Commander Col. Harry Hung and Kansas Board of Regents President and Chief Executive Officer Dr. Blake Flanders.

For the full ceremony, visit

For more information about the Army Education Center and its continuing education programs, call 684-2496 or e-mail