CAMP WALKER, Republic of Korea – U.S. Army Garrison Daegu opened a new Army Wellness Center July 1 staffed by a team of experts and outfitted with state of the art equipment to assist active duty Soldiers, dependents and civilians in meeting their health and fitness goals.
AWCs are established on the foundation of best practices in the health industry and standards set by leading health organizations such as the U.S. Center of Disease Control, the U.S. Preventative Services Task Force and the American College of Sports Medicine. Clients receive specialized care from staff whose credentialing requirements far exceed the industry standards.
The new center, located in building 567 on Camp Walker, offers a full-range of programs and services including health screening, metabolic testing, body composition measurement, weight and stress management, cardio and a broad range of educational classes.
“It’s important for installations to have an AWC. We’re able to take in everybody who has a fitness or nutrition goal and help them to reach that goal,” said Danielle Sprunger, Area IV AWC Health Coordinator. “For example, if Soldiers are running too slowly, we want to help them with their running, their eating habits or maybe even sleep so we can enhance their readiness. We don’t want to wait until they’re flagged.”
One of the most anticipated items at the center is the Bod Pod ®. The pod uses air displacement plethysmography and whole-body densitometry to determine body composition with a less than 2% range of error. The test can cost as much as $400 at a commercial facility, but like everything at the AWC it’s free for ID card holders.
Other systems include the fitness test and metabolic analyzer. The fitness test entails slipping into a mask and heart rate monitor then, depending on your fitness level and whether you are a Soldier or civilian, walking or running while the test measures how well you utilize oxygen during your workout. Other parts of the test include back strength, flexibility and grip strength.
In the resting metabolic rate room, clients spend about 15 minutes under a portable metabolic analyzer called the Cosmed K5. The system can determine how efficient your body is at using oxygen to produce energy, identify the intensity level at which an individual can train to improve performance and ascertain the exact number of calories recommended for daily consumption.
“Under the new Army Body Composition Program it is now mandatory to come to the AWC for the Upping Your Metabolism class, metabolic body composition and your fitness test,” said Anna Truong, Director of Area III and IV AWCs.
Though Soldier stress levels are the number one concern, Truong is equally concerned about misinformation available on the internet that entices Soldiers into trying unhealthy fad diets and gimmicks promising a quick fix.
“What we do is more of a lifestyle change,” said Truong. “We want them to succeed five or 10 years down the line, and we want them to be mobile at 70.”
Attendance in the Boosting Your Metabolism class, offered Tuesdays and Fridays, is mandatory to gain access to all services and equipment. Minors may also use the facilities when referred by a medical professional.
If you are interested in improving your general well-being and taking control of your health and fitness, stop by the AWC Mondays-Thursdays, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. and Fridays 8 a.m.-noon, or call 0503-337-4218 to make an appointment.
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