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FORSCOM celebrates Army's 245 years of service to the Nation

By Ashley PatokaJune 11, 2020

FORSCOM Celebrates Army Birthday
Gen. Michael X. Garrett, FORSCOM Commanding General (center), along with Capt. Michael Gabbard, FORSCOM Engagement Specialist, (right), who represented the command’s youngest Soldier and Col. Donald Robinson (left), FORSCOM Preventive Medicine Officer, who represented the oldest Soldier, participate in a cake cutting to honor the 245th Army Birthday. (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

The United States Army is celebrating 245 years of continued service to the Nation with special events online honoring the June 14 Army birthday.

U.S. Army Forces Command Commanding General Gen. Michael X. Garrett marked the occasion with a ceremonial cake cutting featuring the oldest and youngest Soldier at the Fort Bragg headquarters. “Happy birthday, United States Army: Two hundred and forty-five years; older than the flag of our country, older than our Constitution,” Garrett said.

The theme for the Army’s Birthday is “America’s Army: When we are needed, we are there,” which Garrett pointed out is very appropriate.

“We have always been where we were needed,” Garrett said. “And when we were needed, we the United States Army, were there.”

FORSCOM Celebrates Army Birthday
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

This year, the 245th anniversary of the U.S. Army’s establishment falls during a nationwide health crisis in which many of our Soldiers have been called upon to support.

“In the month of March, the FORSCOM Team came together to support our nation in the fight against the spread of COVID-19. Thousands of Soldiers from Active Duty, Army National Guard, and Army Reserve responded from across the nation with vital support to state and local efforts,” Garrett said.

From the Battle of Lexington to present day, U.S. Army Soldiers answered America’s call to service for 245 years. With their diverse beliefs and backgrounds, Soldiers’ values made the Army the respected, trusted organization it is today.

FORSCOM Celebrates Army Birthday
Gen. Michael X. Garrett, FORSCOM Commanding General (center), along with Capt. Michael Gabbard, FORSCOM Engagement Specialist, (right), who represented the command’s youngest Soldier and Col. Donald Robinson (left), FORSCOM Preventive Medicine Officer, who represented the oldest Soldier, participate in a cake cutting to honor the 245th Army Birthday. (Photo Credit: Ashley Patoka, FORSCOM Public Affairs ) VIEW ORIGINAL

“Integration within our formations is the norm,” Garrett recently said. “The rich tapestry of American society is represented throughout our uniformed services and rank, and when you boil it down, that, is the strength of our military.”

Soldiers wear the American flag as a symbol of national pride, developed from communities and backyards throughout the country.

“Our people are our greatest strength – and leveraging their diversity gives our Nation a competitive advantage,” Garrett said. “As our global responsibilities grow increasingly complex, it is critical that we attract personnel with different experiences and backgrounds.”